Thursday, October 28, 2010

Big Guy On The Film Troy

CULTURAL CENTER TREE FOSSOLI (22-23-24 October 2010)

Fossoli A wonderful 3 days we spent. For the first time we brought with us our scamp, was the first time that our Birba faced a journey of more than 3 hours, was very good, and also Fossoli was sweet. Late on Saturday Adry morning came, and Ida with Lino. With them we spent two days full of love, we have reviewed with great joy that some people already knew. We have known parents who did not know including the parents of Nicholas. THAT IS OUR DEAR BELOVED OF PERSONS PRESENT AT THE MEETING ARE NOT LOST APPEAL, gave very clear message and intricate detail to be recognized. We feel in duty to thank you wholeheartedly Adry, IDA, LINEN AND ALSO THE DEAR CARLA. PIER AND I NOW LIVE IN ANTICIPATION OF 2011 WHEN WE WILL GO BACK TO FOSSOLI .... Report 23-24, October 2010 to Fossoli. Days Phenomena. Communicate with the afterlife is not a presumption but an opportunity that is generated spontaneously as a reality we are comforted and can bend the pain and suffering. It 's a credible truth and there is the craziest thing that plug his ears to not forget what you heard. Each audible speech is so exciting, stimulating and reliable because they often provide us with their identity. I'll tell you two events that happened on Sunday afternoon, they deserve your attention. in the photo, Lino Daniel Adry Sunday you start the meetings at 14-30. Many people take place in the convention hall, in the first row of chairs sit two parents who have a child of Light, at one point the mother turns to look behind, he gets up and goes to kiss a lady blonde, then back in his footsteps but gets up and comes to me, speaking softly asked me if I know one couple just came and sat behind her. I reply that I do not know, tells me that he felt the presence of a chubby teenager who told her, "go to give a kiss on the cheek to the blonde lady behind you," what he had done, that's why she asked me if I knew for confirmation of what we perceive. I rise to begin what we planned for the afternoon, wondering if there are people who know me, some say no. Then I ask the pair of blonde lady, you are interested in Electronic Voice Phenomena ? Answer: Yes, you lost someone? is a child of 15 years, my mother and I look at it and immediately puts her hands to her face for emotion, we explain to everyone the fact noting that the size has given us a test for everyone, they were already present before to put to record. When the blonde lady I made the message among other things, the boy tells her that now I do not eat more ice cream, then the lady shows us the photo and it was really a chubby teenager. Second case strange. He approached a mother wanting to have a message from her daughter "playing" for two years and would like to hear his voice. The item arrives beautiful and strong, her mother immediately recognizes. At a certain Now you hear a meow of a kitten, all the people in the room heard him, wondering if this meow ask the mother has a bearing on his daughter. The tears fall from her face and told me that her daughter had a kitten who loved so much and when she is gone two days after the kitten was no longer there ... ... What can I say? emotion pervaded us all ... .. We arrived at 11 am on Sabat0 23 October 2010 .... We were already expected by friends and Flavia Pier. ... And other people. We arrange our instruments and at 14-30 we start our (conference have called it). Yes, because along with Ida, mother of Monica, father of Sarah Lino not only present the practice and technique of EVP, but each reads their report, obtained following the hearing of voices, we made a video entitled "Our Angels" movie very much appreciated as it contains pictures of our children and loved ones of the Green Circle Phenomena with its messages and texts from the Cerchio Firenze 77. We have information for 29 people present. With all this they are right to say "conference." But first things first, start with 14-30 Saturday at the presentations and dialogue with all those present. To establish individual contacts Phenomena. 11 posts are made very welcome. After dinner Dad Lino coordinates the music therapy shared by all satisfied we finish 23 hours. With Ida, alarm clock at 6 o'clock, without breakfast we go 7-30 in conference hours because they expect a mother who came from Ferrara to get you in touch with the child but then to be with us until the evening. Meanwhile coordinate how to establish the day, I was uncertain whether to view the movie above, I feared that it was not accepted by everyone, just finished the message of Ferrara's mother asks her son Daniel of Light if I did good to see the movie; response immediate; Buenos Ok .... The success was assured and it was. 9-30 hours you begin, read our reports, then screening of the movie, there was also much appreciated the applause. I felt happy. Yes resumes after the lunch hour 14-30 communion between us that had been established and very important, as we had known each other forever. This line is used to share experiences and understand the messages we receive from the size that makes us all share. Start to record by making a plea for help to all those present, the guide is ready to respond. Next step for people who wish to contact. The messages that arrive to each individual and are the keywords you feel are the identification that their loved one was present. I wish to close this interview with you with a message Phenomena of a daughter to her mother, better than that I can not close. "We have an antenna To the moon that comes from confused people love Adriana helps, I know that God is not easy in you I'm awake, I can dance And I worry that I feel nothing is because this is bigger than us Miracle on earth does not make the miracle would be the consistency of looking for love is a good thing to write. Mom I love you I died every time I cry ... always ... A Adriana Scaficchia the green circle


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