Thursday, December 2, 2010

Historic Figures With Antisocial Personality Do


We received this letter and as usual there are some real connection to what I did Sunday, 28.11.2010. A Mombarcaro out the window of Serena's room and I put a star of Christmas lights (the star then was removed because the wires passing through the windows to turn it on), outside the window of our room I put a wreath, while outside the window Kitchen Pier has Santa Claus. In the backyard hanging out the front door of Pier 3 has Santas that light up .... And there's more ... the professor has designed a tree a tree that seems to always Christmas ... Pier Sunday we looked in the garage and saw a little Christmas tree and we said that was bad and that we had to buy an existing house to be put in front of Serena. KEEP ON OUR amazed at how SERENA AND WE SEE THAT WE CAN NOT DO ANYTHING BUT THANK GOD THAT ALLOWS THIS. A very warm thanks to Professor THAT WITHOUT ANY PROFIT AND CONTRARY TO ITS COSTS (BECAUSE WE SEND LETTERS HAVE ALL THE STAMP) continues to give us so much peace, SERENITY 'and especially a lot SURE THAT THERE IS NO END. THANKS


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