Monday, September 14, 2009

Indoor Baskeball Courts In Nj

Smile - Before I look at you Then you smile

Council Preliminary: Do not be fooled by the poster. Zombie-shaped scar of a smile that inspires "Smile", the debut of Francis Gasperoni, follower of the new horror all'amatriciana, there is no trace in the film. Abound quite exotic, grotesque and curses, as seen in some Italian production of the seventies.
Everything takes place in the Moroccan desert, where a company of seven unlucky improvised a holiday on the road worthy of the worst outcomes. One of them, addicted to photography, has taken the car to snatch a gypsy, and is looking for a replacement device. Then lands in a shop of antiques, where hatching, including crockery and dust, an old Polaroid instant camera. The operator - Armand Assante in a pure loan of face and name - sells off it to him for 25 euro, warning him to treat it with care and take pictures of his friends. Engrossed by the mystery (which contributes the usual child silent, probably daughter of the owner) the acquisition, and follows the suggestion dell'azzimato lender.
Here begins the curse, and trash. Refrain gender: who is immortalized dies - pardon the oxymoron - by the hand object in the photo. Change, however, the location: Morocco permitting, you move immediately from the dunes to a bush, where the unwary want to improvise a campsite, attracted by the fame of the place animistic (Lonely Planet dixit, at least according to the writer). Invariably lost among the branches, seeking help from an angry native hunter, who noticed the accessory, warns terror of the curse that hangs over them: do not shoot for charity.
Nobody, of course, gives him a straight. Indeed, the fools have already made out, without knowing it, a traveling companion, the first to be photographed, and strangely missing from the evening before the trip: everyone thinks they're back home, but nobody - blissful innocence - if it finds the first leave. We, in fact, we have been transfixed by a portable missile (with her picture on a wall) when he returns to the hotel.
The rest is mere canvas. Die before the hunter, then all my friends, except one (preferred), the main character. Objects killer, depending on the context photo: deer antlers, lightning (or perhaps spontaneous combustion, it is not clear: some of the photos came evil), pointed trunk, shovel, another missile, but less justified than the first. The two survivors, miraculously, they manage in the meantime to leave the forest and cross a graveyard - the sly already seen some scenes before - where they discover the graves to the surprise of the hunter and the girl in the shop. People already dead, and for years before their arrival.
What's happening? Presto said. Found the jeep, and the notches of the internet, they discover that our Armand Assante - the proverbial, the crowds - it was actually a photographer for newspapers corpses, mad after discovering that the last of his subjects was the daughter ( Certainly, the girl above) brutally murdered. Brainstorm delirium following: the man, to vent their anger, he had actually killed the subject, including hunter, by the same mechanism of Polaroid, before hanging himself. So a ghost, he too. And yet everything else, one might think. Gasperoni in Serbian but has the final surprise: not at all affected by the background, which is actually quite useless, has yet to dispose of two victims, and does so in the most picturesque: while the protagonist is taking pictures in the desert for download evil tool, here they go before a car at the time of the click reflected in the window, pretty sharp, the silhouettes of her and friend. Oh, no. The roar of the engine and securities tail.


- Remarkable is the background: a dodged a blow from the front of the jeep, with a coach who later stage. In shock, photography down to capture the wreck, when the vehicle leaves a lame lutulenta gypsy that tears the room, trimmed cultural exchange as a bloody monkey. In long shot someone exclaims, unexpected: "It seems a surreal situation." Probably a gloss of the script, not canceled;
- Outstanding sequence of the shovel-ghost, floating in the air malicious, before piercing the victim. There are not any wires, then we all'avanspettacolo;
- From the shivering direction: from start to finish makes almost exclusive use of the first floor, it was not a documentary;
- Given the topic, entitled "Cheese" there would have seemed more coherent.



In a sentence: "slap from start to finish, very bad acting by everyone." Indeed, sorry, this was to GI Joe. The correct sentence is: "I'm regretting GI Joe"
Sconsigliatissimo: anyone who continues to prefer Tarantino Mario Bava, despite the declared artistic kinship.
Rate: kkkk


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