Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Brook Ghost Running Shirt

The Court Jester

hung on the former director. At the moment I can not do anything else.
Of the fifty pages I've worked for is completely free I do not know anything, not even if he made it or not, while the appointment in which he had to submit the restyling project has been moved to Wednesday.
I can not even press it too closely because it is one that does not like be bothered that much, or as he says "I do not have to be a pain in the ass." You just have to wait by the phone or the mail waiting for him to make itself heard with some news.
Indeed I begin to understand the concerns expressed about this way of working art director Karl Marx look-alike.
In essence, said that in most cases we are working for free, without even a shred of expenses, el 'former director is beautiful and there is no right to propose projects as if they were his bag of flour. And then Who guarantees that takes on economic agreements with publishers?
In short, those who tell us that the figure that cash if project goes into port, it is really that agreed with the editor and not only the crumbs of bread with which the director is removed quell'appetito insatiable be found?
right, but that's the case, and now I have no bargaining power in their hands.
I do to force the court jester and be content with a few bones falling from the tables of kings.


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