Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Bottomless Party Harold And Kumar Scene
This morning at eleven other business appointment. With rival art director Karl Marx who, it says, was deeply concerned about our destiny as much as us.
"As long as you're alone like me, in one way or another they arrange, but with two children is not so easy." Thank goodness someone understands that, beyond optimism and irony that we try to keep that end up with a family on his shoulders and no way to maintain dignity, is one of the worst things that can happen.
Whether a week is a crucial fact. If the layout of the quarterly boat for rich people with more than thirty feet I do not create any problem, I am rather concerned at the proposal that I submitted to the company that produces management software. Being in the race is not a big deal, but be in conjunction with the real job - I mean the price paid, even though few - it gives me some problems, if only for a matter of time.
We'll see what comes out today by the encounter with this new publisher and what the future potential. What is sure is that I have not managed to reach a minimum economic security. I'm pretty still in the midst of a hand of Texas Hold'em, some paper in my hand I have, but I have no idea if I can take home mail.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How Do You Use Mousse For African American Hair?
Rain and bad weather favors introspection, the depth of ideas, the deep reflection. They say the usual eminent scholars, now famous for the daily discovery of hot water, a bit 'as Saviano.
'm happy to have gone back to work. Not that they address a situation still very uncertain, but to move his hands to earn at least a thousand euro that I'll see if all goes well, within three months.
I received yesterday. The work would also be interesting, but, as usual, correctly warned me that I'll still be competing with other facilities. The thing does not bother me much. I worked for free for months, one week or less I will change some lives.
What I'm really running out of is the trickle of visits by the dentist. By the fifth round yesterday and the third tooth.
Now I hope to finish soon with these damn teeth because, ten euro at a time, I've already spent almost forty two weeks, and is something that I can not afford to continue to do for much longer.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Yeast Infection And Ewcm
E 'was a beautiful weekend, last night we left with tears in our hearts, we regret very much to come away from the Tree House. We met some wonderful parents, mothers with so much pain and anger in the heart but they do everything to find their puppies / kittens. Our Serena was present with us on Saturday gave me a message to EVP, EVP and yesterday a resounding message for his dad. Words too good, he repeated several times the word father, and told him to talk more about the choir music (Serena wanted to tell his dad to talk more about the concert, this means that appreciates this and spurs him to go on), it was a wonderful response, Pier was doubtful whether to continue with the concert, and here SERENA HAS answer is very clear. E 'was great HEAR REPEAT AT LEAST 4 TIMES THE WORD PAPA' as they can clearly hear, told him many things and among other things told him to go slow waiting for him in CASA. WHEN WE ARRIVED AT HOME No power :-) PIER AND 'HAVE TO GO IN CELLAR TO TURN ON THE SWITCH. I have interpreted as a sign of Serena, Serena, was at home waiting for us :-) :-) SERENA has sent greetings to his godfather and also BIRBA :-) I believe our sons and daughters are with us, YOU DO NOT HAVE LOST. GRACE AND ALL X FLAVIA 14/03/2011 HAPPY MONDAY AFTERNOON TO ALL THE SITE! FLAVIA THE GREATEST! SERENA WONDERFUL! SHARING OF PURE JOY! Believe PIER! "PAPY STRONG WHEN YOU KNOW THE RIGHT TURN KNOB PART TIME TOGETHER TO SHOUT ALL THAT LIFE GOES ON! And details are still coming in! FLAVIA 14/03/2011 Dear Grace, Your reading this message has bounced "PAPY STRONG WHEN YOU KNOW RIGHT FROM THE TURN THE KNOB" you know nothing, because nothing else I said. Yes, PIER TO TALK WITH SERE AT THE END OF THE MESSAGE WAS THAT OK? THAT 'THE WORD THAT USED always calm in every situation. PIER AFTER THE SAID OK? ADRIANA SCAFICCHIA TAPED MESSAGE FOR SERENA AND ONLY A FEW HOURS ('cause I phoned PIER) WE KNEW THAT THIS MESSAGE WAS A STRONG STRIKER. HERE IS THE MESSAGE THAT HAS BEEN PIER "I LOVE YOU, FROM A UN'ABBRACCIO BIRBA. VA PLAN CI was at home. OFTEN DO NOT WASH THE DISHES! ZERO RUN ITS as a couple. When you go home CALL THE BROTHER AND THAT 'A MODEL A SAMPLE OF 'HIS ADDRESS. PAPA' INSIDE JOB react C'E 'CHI body. PAPA' WILL 'BEAUTY including calls PAPA' AND DAUGHTER ARE NOT FAR AWAY. BACI TI PORTO PLEASE, I HAVE ALREADY 'I HAVE LEFT MANY SIGNS PROVED TO BE VERY DISTANT being your face now I've given you a good message. PAPA 'you have to talk more' than singing group. PAPA '... "He called me recently to say that Pier Friday his brother did not feel good mentally and greeted all the people who were at heart ... we did not know ... THAT WAS NOT GOOD AND THE BROTHER OF PIER 'was deeply struck by the message ... PIER phoned to tell him yesterday when he called TWICE THE PIER AND HAVE READ THE MESSAGE HAS NOT BEEN reaction because 'It was very SHOCKED BECAUSE' IT 'MADE AWARE THAT IT SEEMS THAT THE SERENA HAS SEEN AND HEARD ..... We know that Serena sees and hears everything. ADRIANA THANKS, YOU ARE GREAT! SERENA THANKS, BUT THANK GOD ABOVE THAT makes this possible.
Acronis Trueimage 2011 Interuppted During Intall
Friday evening we were invited to dinner by the former director. And who cares. In fact, it's what I thought. These were exciting things we found several years ago, in pre-parenthood.
imagine today, in this climate of disenchantment that has dwarfed our eyes everything that is not part of us, our family, our needs, our suffice to each other.
Yet the former director is also nice to me, I can almost be said to love him as a great uncle, the one that has seen the world, which made things interesting, people who experienced strange.
But how? Our children are older, educated, know how to sit at the table without disturbing the contrary, are always very interested to talk a bit 'bland and gossips that we adults often do. So why this exception? Oh Lord, will not be two mica swingers? No, it is not possible, we know the former director and his wife for almost twenty years, we grew up, he and his second daughter us our first-born, nearly simultaneously. Work and family, and this we were both all this time. That would be really inconceivable.
But the doubt is gone only when, upon our arrival, there was, in fact, the eighteen year old daughter and their boyfriend: an anonymous type, a bit 'bland, but nice-looking.
But then, why we could not bring our children as they have only a few years younger? Boh, go to understand people. He wanted to talk too serious or demanding? But no, it's over, my wife has taken bench for almost the whole evening telling true facts and invented stories, woven together in inextricable knots so that I too have struggled to separate truth from fantasy.
Maybe that's why we wanted at home, because they enjoy listening to this stream of things so far-fetched and funny because we have the game fishing in our faults and our foibles and make irresistibly funny to poke the eyes of others. As a couple to Sandra and Raymond, and Jim and Cheryl, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Laurel and Hardy, Minnie and Mickey Mouse, Beauty and the Beast.
I do not know what to think, if on one side all that flatters me, I have the worm on the other to be used as a court jester who has to pay for the maintenance of the absent-minded king and queen.
But maybe I just can not help but be the usual bilious, cynical and mean malfidente. And to think that they were so nice and hospitable.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Operation Repo Watch Online
Maybe because I relied on so stubbornly, or perhaps because things happen because they happen and can not do anything, the fact is that yesterday is a small miracle happened. Very small, but still a candle that heats at least a little 'heart.
We only hope that, next week, the girl from Messina performs another miracle and a miracle after another, we can say: "Finally the light."
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Can I Train My Rabbit Housebroken
I leave the dentist, who is slowly killing me, one tooth at a time, and step in front of the Feltrinelli of Buenos Aires. Featured in dozens of copies of Saviano's latest book that, with that sly yellow cover, from a distance looks like a field of sunflowers. On the sidewalk of a blank five feet with his big face that hints half wry smile. I run my balls because it seems to me is Gaining the piss.
And speaking of lists and lists of which I have already mentioned, in passing this sentence I read Stendhal, "Catalogs are a very private vice, which revealed to others, proves to be a mortal sin."
The appointment of working with the marketing manager of Messina has been postponed. He still needs a few days to gather ideas all the way and then introduce a brief as complete as possible. I trust, because I know it's a serious person. Perhaps it is she who, at this point, should not trust me. Less good
the news by the former director, who calls me only when he needs to test Skype, which has just installed in the laptop's mother-in-law. I feel like a fish in the aquarium, or the monkey in the zoo, forced to show my face while on the other side of the glass, and evaluate the quality of the transmission.
"What! - I say - are months that I only eat lunch shitty two granola bars and I say that? ". But my heart was crying, like it happens every time I remember the look is not exactly slender.
Apart from this, it seems that the work done for the revival of men's magazine has been lost in vain, since it is not yet any sign of life from the publisher.
The fifty pages of the other project, are still suspended in the limbo of "nobody knows anything yet."
"At the very least - the former director says - we do some changes and submitted to another publisher." Sure, so what else can I do? I
promises another project that could perhaps be born, this is a newspaper on the books in two formats: on paper and downloadable ebook readers. Meanwhile I
beaker on how to take their children on holiday this summer. Not that there are many possibilities: either continue to undermine the very few savings left, or to jump out of a job. Now, just for strength.
Monday, March 7, 2011
How To Killstrep Throat
As a small sail on the horizon of a drowning last Friday came on a faint hope. No, the former director, referred all undertakings appear when flash frozen in a flash of evil, and even by the Art Director and rival of Marx that although there had said that the review body for a humanitarian organization was still in doubt, there are found in the newsstands March 6, but as an offshoot of the publisher Sicilian with whom I had the pleasure to work occasionally.
The proposal came from a girl who, at Messina, was responsible for marketing and that a few months ago he made the leap to Milan, now I know, deal with the marketing of a company that produces management software and stuff .
My wife, now as devitalized teeth, one at a time, the dentist is killing me, no illusions. Indeed, it seems to be bothered by these calls, as if he were afraid or in some way, was now tired of risking another disappointment, and for this reason, even prefer to avoid occasions that may accrue.
Anyway, Tuesday I have an appointment with this girl, we'll see what I can come good.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Pain Around Navel After C Section
Dentists are all the same: always find new and unusual ways to get hurt. And this is not exception. I could at least console with tits assistant nonchalantly resting on my arm. Nothing, as flat as a sheet of paper. And then keep on talking, stretching the vowels of the last word of each sentence: What do you say doc, if you book airline tickets on the Internet spend meenooo?
It is not that unpleasant, and neither is the dentist, but that bothers me are funny my distress, being drenched with sweat even in winter, the involuntary tremors in my mouth open. Of course, better than two fingers in the ass to get palpate the prostate, but in short, a little 'respect.
are all still bearable when compared to the pain of not being able to take home a work that is one.
The restyling project was unveiled yesterday morning at the usual manager on duty, but it took a week to evaluate it. And this is not good.
He wished the former director would provide a solution on how not to lose € 600 thousand a year. But the former director said that is not his job to provide such solutions, but pack a quality product that can be more easily sold to advertisers. And this, in my opinion, is not good.
Perhaps, the effort to invent some nonsense, a shred of marketing strategy also false, he could do it.
not to be negative at all costs, but on that basis I do not think you will go far.
Moreover, at this point, it should have already submitted the other job, that of the fifty pages made repayable. But the fact that, until now, has not yet spoken, it gives me hope.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Brook Ghost Running Shirt
hung on the former director. At the moment I can not do anything else.
Of the fifty pages I've worked for is completely free I do not know anything, not even if he made it or not, while the appointment in which he had to submit the restyling project has been moved to Wednesday.
Indeed I begin to understand the concerns expressed about this way of working art director Karl Marx look-alike.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Ceal Wrestling Shoes Original
sitting at the dentist this morning thanks to an old belief that medical insurance will not be able to renew. At least until things change.
Well, except that the dentist is my worst phobia. Not only is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dentist I frightens to death, but also feel the teeth in the mouth causes me discomfort. I can not stand even to speak of other teeth or dentists and even less I can watch movies or television where someone goes to the dentist or talk about teeth.
marathon, for example, is a film that I watch only if I know I have not even a cavity, and at the scene where Dustin Hoffman Laurence Olivier torture makes me not a little uncomfortable. Denti Salvatores I never wanted to see, and since the listings like them so much I want to add The Dentist Brian Yuzna, Little Shop of Horrors Frank Oz, Tom Hanks in Castaway when we extract a tooth with the blade an ice-skate, or comedy in which Mr. Bean is drilled and stucco teeth alone?
I thought many times because of this uncontrollable phobia and perhaps digging into their memories, I think it can be attributed with some confidence when I was seven to eight years and my father almost every evening, made me sit on his lap, I immobilized arms and, with a white cotton handkerchief, I widened the lower canines in muscle strength. And my father had mica muscles to laugh.
Some memories should be deleted, but is not easy. Who knows why these things are more traumatic to haunt us throughout life, and those are always nice so rare and difficult to bring out the memory.
is easy to say that you must live in the present and not to indulge in memories, good or bad they are. But it is also true that they are the fruit of our life experiences. So, to deny the memories would not be to deny oneself?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Why Crescent Moon On Outhouse
Things are really quite simple.
Monday, the former director says he's going to seriously consider the proposal for a relaunch of a magazine and that she intends to entrust part of the development and restyling chart. I say that I can support on my shoulders the whole magazine without any problem, but he beat around the bush.
Tuesday said that the publisher would like to bring some pages of the new project, not much, just a couple of sections and a service from three to four pages. "We are not certain to work unless they were sure to bring home the loot." Then he says he wants to divide the implementation of the newspaper, not a question of lack of confidence, but because it turned out yet another human case.
This is a chart that had a motorcycle accident, the mangled leg, which is now more than twelve centimeters short of the other, and that it is getting treatment from a Russian extends the bones and so on.
What can I say? That I was here first? What I have both her legs but I do not know how to keep the family? For some reason when I speak of my condition no one ever takes me seriously. Maybe I should do a little 'scene, cry some tears, but I'm not the type.
Wednesday: turns out that the pitiful case was made to redesign the alone, and continues to churn out columns, and testing services that cover the former director shall submit to me as if I could be happy. This, in my house, do you call someone's shoes. What shall we do then the Imprint of the newspaper? We write that the restyling did the lame and I just do the performer?
Asshole me and my naivete, to think that after all everyone needs to work, especially in times of difficulty, and find out as soon as you turn, what we've just done some good tries to insert it in the ass. Really great.
But now my path is directed to the search for peace, I will no longer angry, if anything, I feel a great sadness and great sadness to see this way of life. I'm sick of the "I fuck you before you fuck me." I find it so petty and sad. I much prefer to embrace the philosophy of The Big Lebowski: "When understand that it is better to live life without philosophically fuck anyone, then you've reached the Zen Dude. "
Unclogging A Frigidaire Dishwasher
I know that what I am about to write will not matter to anyone. And I also know that those who follow this blog it is because, perhaps, he likes to read on my own.
But it is also true that, for me, this blog has turned into a therapy. A little 'as seen in some American films in which, typically, a group of people is sitting in a circle and each in turn says of himself: "Hello, My name is Roger and I'm desperate ...".
And since it is my intention to somehow achieve a certain psychological balance I must find a way to get rid of everything that annoys me, I'm forced to exorcise my idiosyncrasies, and this blog is currently the only tool at my disposal. Here
therefore, set aside forever the mafia bald, I need to close the discussion also to other people and things that I mentioned.
The Republic - as a newspaper - it was for me the first real independent cultural memory. It was 1976, I was in eighth grade and I had the mania of the early numbers. The number one of Captain America, Alan Ford, Maxmagnus, the last issue of the Times and so on. Something fairly typical adolescent, I think. So I can still see that the exit from school, buy this new daily: new format, graphics, content, and leafed through it while going home.
I liked it, I do not know why, but I am fond of us and I often followed. Not every day, but when something important was happening, I've always bought. In high school alternate with the struggle continues, the bad and sometimes the Manifesto. I have never endured instead Corriere della Sera, but I'm not going to throw it in politics, so be content to know that is a newspaper that I never liked it. De
the Republic I have endured - how to bear the escapades of a lover - the infatuation to Craxi and the social partners, flirt with the former PCI and PDS, sympathies for the intolerable and snooty D'Alema, the trombone intellectual-philosophical Eugenio Scalfari. Everything to continue reading a series of signatures that others only dream newspapers: Giorgio Bocca, Peter Citati, Miriam Mafai, Gianni Brera, Tiziano Terzani, Altan, Natalia Aspesi, Emanuela Audisio, Stefano Rodota, Vittorio Zucconi, Umberto Eco, Giorgio Odifreddi and so on.
I endured the shock on the way of historical revisionism that turncoat presumptuous new Paul of Tarsus, Giampaolo Pansa (which I found to come from the Corriere della Sera!).
remember the titles during the Moro kidnapping, when I attended the Art School in the former convent next the church of San Marco in the street. We climbed the narrow stairs two at a time, clinging to the thin iron railing, with newspapers under his arm to discuss in class, organize meetings, events and company.
Maybe that's why I get so annoyed today to attend the most vulgar and commercial side of this newspaper, the philosophy of one hand washes the other, to please his friend and the friend of a friend, all'ossequio advertiser, the triumph of journalism pushovers.
It is too easy for me to blame the usual Sara Chiappori. One who writes every article the same way, always using the same pattern, with all those always out of place and redundant adjectives, such as defining and pulitina nerd in high school, then that has nothing better to do than go searching on the internet as a teenager infoiati. I gave a last statistics of the blog in less than a year related to your keywords Sara Chiappori are over fifty, second only to a man overboard. And who ever want it to go to find a journalist who writes a hustler in the local news a week if not herself? Now
Gabriele Galimberti has been added to this as "D", the additional female Republic, paid a trip around the world in which this brilliant journalist, he meets strangers masquerading as emeritus of creative artists, etc., asking them questions such as a stunning banality: " If not here, where would you be? What's the matter of urgency to tell the world? First thought upon waking? ". Strong stuff, in fact.
But the thing that struck me the most is that this acute left with the same name by Umberto Galimberti, the learned philosopher and psychoanalyst who writes a column for years on the same newspaper.
And what are all the same name?
Or rather, they, too, "end user" of the usual system of baronies?
And that whole slew of artists, architects, designers, event managers, designers, emerging or already emerged - a bit 'like the shit in the water - Are not also recipients of favors, various debt and mess-ups?
E Cinzia Sasso? Republic journalist who lived for twenty-two years in an apartment owned by the Pio Albergo Trivulzio, in Corso di Porta Romana 116, two peanuts paying rent, € 572 or € 3480.00 per month plus administration cost?
And now only known to scream conspiracy and machine Mud Berlusconi. Who has helped you? Who introduced you to this wheel of fortune, instead of helping the aged and destitute homes procured a rich, famous, sons and journalists, at ridiculous prices? And
Saviano? Which occurs more often on the Republic to tell us that the water is hot? "In Campania there is the mafia, the Camorra is an international organization, the Camorra has now permeated even the north of Italy, the policy is dropped, and yet come to terms with the mafia and organized crime are the massacres of state; Berlusconi bad ". But what do you think, that apart from him and Fabio Fazio, the rest of the Italians living on the moon?
I am increasingly convinced that most, beyond the fine words, everything turns the same way: favors to friends and friends of friends, cronyism, baronies, recommendations, deference to advertisers and mountains of tricks hidden in the pages of so-called culture, shows, in local backs. I'd like to know how to define this system values \u200b\u200bof the journalists themselves when they are left to use it and wallow in it.
The only thing that consoles me is that a few weeks ago have emptied the store on Via della Spiga in excavations. Five million Euros in the booty. Remember? The daddy of Maria Elisabetta Scavia, scion who writes the history books-itchy, also in an excellent position in key research blog.
How do you say? Who is without sin ...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Online Claw Machine Games
As I and my brain - either voluntarily or physiologically - now we are constantly reaching out to the search for peace as a novel Siddhartha, is my body to embody - giustappunto - rebellion, the soul on earth.
Headaches repeatedly, almost Chronic bronchitis, tinnitus, sore teeth, recurrent colic.
former director present the fifty pages to which I devoted ten days of my life for free, or at least conclude the agreement for the creation and recovery of a newspaper rather than known, but steady loss.
These are currently my perspective, this serene, in whom my hopes, my desire for revenge, the alpha of a new life.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Two Sore Lymph Glands
I have to admit, I am a bit ' confused.
possible that human beings are so predictable? Indeed our feelings are just chemical messages between neurons? And free will? How can I be sure my mental processes are only mine and not the result of a conditioned reflex like a dog Ivan Pavlov?
then I do not know if I'm chasing the serenity that is the result of a common process, automatic and inevitable, like that of any other human being, or my only choice, a conscious and considered decision, a path that I chose to take voluntarily.
But why, then ask a similar question if the result is still the achievement of peace?
is very simple: I do not want a serenity and peace of taxes from my unconscious, I do not follow the road that everyone - rich or poor, educated or ignorant, sensitive or rough - would still sooner or later, willingly or unwillingly.
Most Beautiful Travestites
Mosaic of days I prefer a contract to a trophy
February 21, 2011 - Tonio Dell'Olio
Gabriele Del Grande is a journalist born in 1982. Sometimes
his signature appears on some newspaper, but his name is especially linked to his blog
Fortress Europe ( ), the site of
far more serious in theme and documented Immigration and
surroundings. Several books to his credit, some of which also
translated into German and English. Awarded national and international awards.
On 21 January had been invited to the awards ceremony
journalistic Saint Vincent (Enrico Mentana winners for
television, Antonio Padellaro for the press, and Bruno Vespa
for "the prestige of the category"), Del Grande has chosen to boycott the ceremony
and write a nice letter to President Napolitano.
The reasons are varied and all shared but I like to bring back at least part
full: "President, do we celebrate
again. When this country will be changed. When
the best among my friends returned from abroad where they emigrated.
do we celebrate when my friends come back for job interviews
to look at the curriculum instead of the boobs. We celebrate that
when the editors begin to pay for the work
what it's worth, in money and not pats on the back because we
teammates. "
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Fathers 60th Birthday Speech
men walking along the tracks
direct nowhere, there is no return;
helicopters that sprout from the hill road,
soup on the stove to heat under the bridge,
the line for the housing that goes around the block:
welcome to the new world order.
Families who sleep in the car in southwest
Neither home nor work, nor security nor peace.
The highway is alive tonight But nobody has any illusions
about where it ends
'm sitting here in the light of bonfires
and seeking the ghost of Tom Joad.
pulls out a book from the sleeping bag
the preacher lights up a butt and takes a pull
waiting for the day that the last shall be first and first last
in a cardboard box in the subway
I have a single ticket for the promised land
have a hole in the belly and a gun in his hand
sleep on a pillow of stone into the water you brush
The highway is alive tonight
but where does it go and we all know;
'm sitting here in the light of bonfires
and wait for the ghost of Tom Joad.
Tom said "Mom, wherever a policeman knocking a person
wherever a child is born crying from hunger
wherever there is a fight against blood and hatred in the air
look for me and I'll be there.
Wherever you fight for a space of dignity
for a decent job, a helping hand wherever someone
watch them struggle to be free in my eyes and see me. "
The highway is alive tonight
but no one has any illusions about where it ends
'm sitting here in the light of bonfires
along with the ghost of old Tom Joad.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Installing Tile Trowel Size
I hate this limbo. This expectation that rips the soul but at the same time, I would not ever end. Because I'm afraid, afraid to know whether the former director will be able to sell those fifty pages and the project behind it, because that would mean to know if I can survive for a few more months, if I take the children on holiday and let him go this damn bronchitis. Would feel more virile, able to provide for the family, as a powerful Canadian lumberjack.
But so far everything is quiet and I do not know what to think.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Pepper Spray Jockstrap
last rains. The only valid measure - and this is independent of a mayor unable - to lower pollution in Milan.
Well, finally ... today we have a meeting with the agency that is reflected off before Christmas. It is a formality and we know it well. We receive only because we are presented by one of their major customer. We should receive, even if we did not mind anything.
The name of the agency is the usual combination of letters and numbers. Pronounced according to English spelling takes very deep meanings and intriguing, but for someone like me, chews a little, it remains a kind of alphanumeric password.
But I do not want to seem conceited or snobbish idea some brilliant managers, never mind. If anything I have to be out by this kind of logic, I put to myself out of time.
Never mind the fact that I gave myself when I renamed my Anglican structure, under the illusion that this was enough to brighten my professional life. And he was also to pay tribute to a master of cinema and trends cross in which I have always recognized, but for now this has nothing to do.
Nothing to do, so for example, those with children playing games with words like "T4-2", which could be read Tea for two. There
receives a kid in a suit that may not reach the age of thirty. I am amazed. I was expecting one of those about fifty sixty trombones and instead I have to feel old and outdated. I do not even, do not tell a complete, but even a jacket, only one of four shirts that I gave my mother a pair of jeans and Nike five years ago at least. The old Montgomery remembers the first chair of the Board Craxi, it makes me sweat, while my wife, who home- not silent a moment and which, because of that, I entrusted the job of account executive, does not open his mouth.
However I can not make me dislike this kid, because it is not. It will be because it is a account - then that would be for the vendor, or account manager. By this standard, my father, who was a salesman for a textile company, he could define tissue account, but never mind.
As always in all the recent discussions we had, apart from the usual corporate Pippone:
"in your facility who are you?" Ask him.
"For two hours - I say - but according to the needs that arise, we are able to activate a network of professionals that allow us to satisfy the most varied ... bla bla bla. "
I say this as you repeat the little lesson learned by heart, with conviction in the tone of voice and body language, but the first to get bored with same old broken record is really me.
"Oh, - he says - I see, now we are more than one hundred and forty."
Meanwhile, my balls dropped into stockings and listen with patience and a certain stoicism this kid who sings the many facets of its business, using such a number of specialized terms that do not even know existed. The iPhone will ring, but politely turns it off. I hope that the old nokia pathetic and do not put in play with the sudden ringing of an old rotary phone to spare the humiliation of pulling it out of his pocket.
then takes us on a tour to the agency that, needless to say, staying in an old restored foundry. We pretend interest and admiration, perhaps simulating the same himself, but we have all understood that many of us would not know what to do.
At home or studio, then that is the same thing, I expect the last two pages of work for the former director, made that on trust, or rather, hope that is of interest to any publisher who tries to place it. I am convinced more and more that we are now living in the parallel world of the excluded, the unemployed, the outcasts, exiles. It seems the same in all of which were debated, but in ours, the fact that everything is systematically wrong, it is a physical law is impossible to refute.
(1) I pretend not to know, but she said Claudia Schiffer in a L'Oreal advertisement.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Ugg Sizes (b) M Versus M
Monday, February 14, 2011
Facebook Chat White Means
I do not like and I have never liked certain occasions. Celebration for bakeries, flower shops and intimate.
For my part, now I feel closer to Al Capone and his Valentine's Day massacre. I too would have my George "Bugs" Moran with whom I'd like some regular account and put the record straight on who is wrong and who is right.
See also my wife so disappointed, frustrated, and exasperated and miserable that I can not do shit about anything, it hurts so bad that I did not even more breath to breathe.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Foot Pain While Ice Scaking
not even deserve so many arrows. After all, is based on a true story, has not granted a basic idea and is developed in a dignified manner. But it bears the name of Cameron (as executive producer: the director is the journeyman Alister Grierson), 3D promises wonders and is so boring. So arrows.
For starters, the plot: a group of brave cave explorers venture into a network of underground caves in New Guinea in search of unexplored passages for the sea. You will be surprised by a hurricane, flooding the tunnels, which will force them to find the way out.
As we have been suggested, the Sanctum 3d would be a perfect movie for Sylvester Stallone, that, so to speak, more unabashedly muscular Daylight and Cliffhanger, but as time passes and we had to fall back on the lead role, Richard Roxburgh on the lesser-known, that remains impressed in the mind, rather than the rocky interpretation, a striking resemblance to Lance Armstrong. A missed opportunity, because there was little for the rest of that act, given the multitude of stereotypes depressing action put together by writers. In series: the son of the hero, adept at climbing, but in perpetual conflict with the father character, a rich financier of the expedition, in spite of struggling with a fight for survival (which of course will show off the worst selfishness), and their girlfriend, cute but - alas - inexperienced divers. In outline, the unarmed members of the crew, all properly expendable, either crashed into the granite, either exhausted from his wounds, or, more simply, drowned.
If all of this, at least, the 3D glasses surrendered by what it says, go home happy. But the only thing you will notice, on balance, it repeated the draft of the insights of Avatar: the forest wild shot from the top (a la carte menu for initial dupe the viewer), aquatic mortified shots from the narrow maneuvering space (the characters are constantly facing steep escape routes), the insistence on pornographic detail in relief, now a real three-dimensional bugs: a leaf here, a tank there, wherever a ledge mineral. Depth of field, the invasiveness of the most illustrious ancestor, there is absolutely nothing.
Another, rather, was the hope, they learned that the plot drew its inspiration from a reality, we have waited until the last that came out from the dark recesses, such as a joke worthy of the carnival, some juicy sea monster, of the good ones to rehabilitate the entire company (Alien strikes back). But no: just mouthpieces, effort, and banal dialogue. On which stands as a unique baroque, the quote of Coleridge's Kubla Khan, the hero declaims to his son from climbing the other, comments: "It was made of opium when he wrote." Thanks Lance, also returns to decompression.
- Excellent portrait of the hero escaped from the script: imagine Lance Armstrong slightly aged gym and driving with an air of reluctant decision a handful of fellow sufferers (ie, soldiers on duty) to the unknown. Cynic, at ease with the tragic choices, appears unfazed in the face of horrible deaths, horrible suffering and more or less explicit disagreements on its operational decisions. Memories, in this sense, the order of the shipment only woman remained alive (the other one, incidentally, died of drowning in a vain attempt to wrest our ration of oxygen is not for it) since you the lower, close the line, so if you jammed between the rocks you just die. It is surprising that, faced with a similar example of humanity, the child is not manages to weave some much-needed dialogue with him.
- Also notable is the climax of the sequence described above: closing the line, the unfortunate fact is stuck in a bottleneck. I already give up for dead comrades, then, in the next scene, here emerge unharmed from the ravines. None of them know how she did it and, in truth, neither do we.
- Poor, once again, the treatment of exotic cultures from the American production: just before and just after the break out of the hurricane that gives a kick (ok,) the film, we see the silhouette of a secluded and funeral Aboriginal ashen. The usually quiet warning not to defy nature. And tell us that we had not read well the headlines, we are in New Guinea.
Sanctum 3d
In a sentence: "but when they get the beasts?"
Sconsigliatissimo: to anyone aspects of the beasts, Stallone and James Cameron. It is convinced that Armstrong, in fact, it is doped.
Rating: KKK
Friday, February 11, 2011
Bloodmoon_v1.6.1820 No Cd
do not know why my dreams of the past few days are so vivid and real, and above all so cinematic, exciting, almost Hollywood.
But I'm not going to be analyzed for what you dream, I would say that for now I have put in place more than I wanted and he will not speak about this, but rather to Rosa.
"La Rosetta", the article before habit indispensable to us northerners, it's not the michetta washer or if you prefer, a type of bread, but a person, almost my own age. The daughter of Sicilian
low culture, a propensity to commit crimes and experts in dirty tricks and loopholes, it is the only girl of three brothers, one of whom has spent most of his life in jail, and - just out - did not match the better to kill himself in a minor car accident.
The other brother does not live here anymore, but every day with the mother sends her sister fuck, smoking cigarettes under the door and see all as if the whole world on the same shit.
Rosetta was in eighth grade when I attended the first or second. It was certainly a beauty, perhaps he was also a bit 'of a mustache, but lacked the nerve and rough upbringing. Think of it, seemed almost a half-mad. Maybe that's why, across the street from school to home, he loved belting songs like "Come with me to Milazzo, I'll see ..." and stuff like that. I found it rather strange and a bit 'put me too intimidating, so slowed down and let some twenty yards ahead of me, which did well his numbers and sings his rhymes. I do not think we'd never even said goodbye.
It is true that his should not be an easy life. The father, though always elegant dress, complete with a Borsalino, was still part of the archaic and closed world from which it came. Using the barrel is the wife to her daughter. Easy to light up like a match, were the proverbial scenes of various kinds were consumed between home, yard and street. And the brothers did not have to be much better, because the mother had to rebuke them when they were too interested in the generous bosom of Rosetta. I heard her say to the concierge, but not without some pride, things like: "I have to be careful, because Rosetta is ddonna ddonna and understand that these are also men. "
I lost sight of the "Rosetta" for a long time, I knew I was married and had a couple of children, that her husband had the same defect in the father, who could not keep their hands in place, which has had several breakdowns, which have removed their children, got divorced and she returned to live in his mother's house.
is in this period, inevitably, often meeting in the reception and she began to greet me with a "hello" that seemed to encapsulate all the suffering of at least twenty years of a life incredibly miserable and rough. A hello that looked like a helping hand in search of aid that I could not offer a hello that flickered an unstable equilibrium, dangerous and desperate.
But when he wakes up on the wrong foot and the fuck are the outbursts that resounds with his mother outside.
The other day I met her in the lodge, I had stopped to see why the lock of the door is not good enough and, unfortunately, every condominium that he had passed his authoritative and useless opinion to express. Until we arrived Rosetta. A close look at it still makes me uneasy. Those eyes are expressionless as those of a shark, or the tension huge, noticeable, that runs under the skin, or those shots of the head a little 'how do lizards. His opinion was that it is the fault of "them". Those were all non-EU citizens indiscriminately, or as she calls them "bastards, bastards, thieves. You should all die. " Accompanying his words with an eloquent cross made by hand, like a pope's blessing.
I escaped on the run, while she, looking at two North Africans who were passing at that moment, whistled between his teeth: "Look at the faces, bastards."
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Pendulum Clock Works Perfectly Earth Taken Moon
I confess the idea of \u200b\u200bworking for free, or better, with no prospect of certain salary, it makes me crazy. Indeed, I am also a bit 'angry.
While I pretend not to be out of the loop, the ability to maintain graphics and publishing, I know that other work in this way can not take me anywhere. I'm sick of half-promises, smoky contacts, appointments unnecessary quotes perverse.
Why can not I work? That is the question that continues to haunt several times a day. Why, despite a good experience, good attitude and a "hunt" I can not even lay out the magazine of the parish? Why
fate has been so shit? Why they had to bring so many negative circumstances to bring me in this state?
Because I was deprived of the dignity to keep my family? What will become of our future, especially that of my children, and why not, one of my old age?
not like, but are things that consume the soul and body.
Monday, February 7, 2011
How Many Times Has Tawnee Stone
A heavy week has just closed and a new one that does not bode well, opens.
Tuesday I will have instead a probable clash with another accountant. It is an old friend of this blog and, unfortunately, I also believe a case not too minority percentage of the loss as a client of the mafia bald.
Sometimes I wonder why things happen in life to me so foolish, unrealistic, stupid nonsense. How, for example, take the car to make the cut and found the next day with the flashing arrows paroxysmal crazy speed. Or not being able to come out of this crappy bronchitis that does not make me sleep at night and that seems to make me want to burst the lungs. Or find myself free to work with the former director on a draft of fifty pages without any certain prospect of effective implementation. Or try to get in touch with the art director, Carl Marx, what seems ten years younger, and find out who is in Sudan or some such place, on behalf of "party" to see how to solve problems' water supply and the like. O hear the guitar teacher of C. we should study composition because it is a boy of rare ability and then, by the same boy, found two deficiencies in the first semester school report.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Kate’s Playground Feet
Mombarcaro WE ARE, AND WE TALKED ABOUT LAST NIGHT WITH THE BOYS AND GIRLS OF THE CONCERT FOR FRIEND 'SERENA' scheduled 'HERE TO Mombarcaro Saturday July 2, 2011. PIER THIS MORNING IN KITCHEN, WAS Peel the potatoes, and called me and told me "IF YOU WANT A HEART SHAPED POTATO, here it is." I approached and took hold of the potato, it was A HEART, A PERFECT FORM. Unfortunately we could not photograph because 'WE DO NOT HAVE THE DIGITAL WITH CELL PHONE AND THE MEMORY OF PIER HAS FULL AND CAN NOT' TAKING PHOTOS. E 'DOLCE THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL GIFT TO PIER. We like to believe that Serena INTENDED TO GIVE A SIGN OF HIS FATHER '. THIS MORNING, WHILE WE WERE IN CHURCH TO TAKE PART IN THE MASS ON THE WALL, NEAR THE STATUE OF JESUS \u200b\u200b', on our left, there was a large circle of light, I saw I did notice, small voice A PIER. PIER Saw it and before long, CIRCLE 'tis gone, there was nothing that reflects on the WALL. TODAY'S READINGS WERE CENTERED ON THE LIGHT AND WE LIKE TO BELIEVE THAT OUR serenity which is' light, sweet light, ONCE AGAIN INTENDED TO GIVE U.S. A SIGN OF HIS CONSTANT NEAR. Puppy THANKS, THANKS SERENA.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Consumer Reports Dryers 2010
is a period in which it is useless to hope for. The hope is dead as we are dying slowly all those who, imprisoned in a country in decline along with the values \u200b\u200bof capitalism and consumerism is a fact that old and outdated.
understand that things can not continue to be as before, that you can not continue indefinitely to sell cars, you can not create unnecessary needs for people who can not afford it, is pretty easy.
few years after the release of the first mobile phones - to buy dear and phone calls that cost a thousand pounds a minute - I saw people asking for bank loans or installment payments while of owning something completely irrelevant to their needs, to know barely speak Italian understandable, but the whole family accompanied the event of purchase of the new fetish, the totem of communication, such as once decided the purchase of new bedroom or kitchen.
Perhaps it is my position that allows me to perform before others that we are on the brink of the ravine, one foot already reaching out into space, falling below the gravel, while from behind, continue to push cheerfully: "Buy, connect, new car every three years, the phone that does everything but we do not know to run the 3d television, the shoe that breathes, the trick of cholesterol that kills you, that if the clock did not you're a shit, old forced to dress as lolitas, young girls forced to give himself the image of a bitch sailed, men who can not accept losing her hair. "
Yes, I'm pissed off, not hide. Angry and discouraged. Why Brescia who came to visit us yesterday, did nothing that promoting the printing services of his company. What a fool! And I thought he was going let us work together in some way.
Now I can not do anything but work for free for the former director, hoping that his plans are eventually approved by some editors.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Shaving Getting Rid Of Green Skin
Fiorella Umberto I am the mother of Umberto Pasanisi, until June 16, 2007 my life was normal and happy rhetorically: A husband, a daughter of 28 years, a son of 21, beautiful, serene. What more could I want'???? On 16 June2007, the 20 or so, there was' nothing normal, the empty abyss: Umberto ... due to a traffic accident with the motorcycle, was literally blown away. In that moment of my person in my life, my soul is very little, perhaps nothing. I cling to Charles, my husband, my daughter Silvia, both granite and bolt carrier of my rebirth. To them I extend my thanks to more 'largest and most' strong, and thanks to them that I can now tell my story. The phone call, I came to the 20th of that tragic sabato.Qualcuno, low voice, told me that Umberto had a serious accident and that unfortunately there was no more '. I was stunned for a few seconds, then a sorrow pervaded me cold, very hot accompanied by tears and screams strazio.Ero to 900 miles (we are Taranto and he was at Parma) did not want to believe it, could not be vero.Tutto was over and I with a miracle last lui.Speravo momento.Pregavo God to let me get there in time. And give me a chance, it can shake and shout in his ear that he could succeed fare.Accarezzarlo and cuddle so 'as he liked, until it re-open those beautiful eyes he had and let him return to that pleasant smile that set him apart from everyone. But that I was not granted. My baby was gone by now '. I live with my family terrible day, that June 16 marked the end of our serenità .C 'is still disbelief for what' has happened. Grief and anger alternate. Hug my husband and my daughter and together we cry. We do not know how to continue to live in the huge void that has left Umberto. But in any case, our lives can no longer be 'the same. There was a boy torn sweet and sensitive, cheerful character, full of vitality and concern for others, a boy from the wholesome, with big plans for the future. Yes, I was Catholic, but he asked them, 'and I here. Then I wondered: If it is true that he is, how could remove a child to a mother?? I started looking, looking for his men, his priests, my human thirst for justice. I wanted some answers at all costs. I met only nice words: lady cheer up, we must go forward ECCC. But the answers to my anxiety? No! Then, by chance, we say so ', a Franciscan friar, simple, highly educated, stubborn. I was detached, I thought, usually the priest say he wants to justify his "superior." The days, months, and the brother becomes a slow drip through, between us and God us up and down 'on a swing: today, tomorrow and just hope in June 'to the anxiety. A few months later, he decided to celebrate a Mass for young people ... dead ... I can not stand to hear my son call defunto.La evening of the Mass, how many mothers, so many tears, how much pain palpable . And he? What does it say in the homily? Communicate, talk to your children, with your children, they are here with you, among us, you who do not vedete.Ma if you feed your faith, the source, at that crucifix up there ', you will understand that the project is not yours, not nostro.Poteva be a simple homily, but it was a call for all of us to meet and embrace our children in heaven with the eyes of LOVE OF GOD. FAITH. What to do? I do nothing ... ... ... ... ... GOD Umberto much more. Cosi ', on tiptoe, I returned to that God with whom I was very arrabbiata.Sono started the first messages of love Umberto, to get to you, wonderful mothers, just as ANGELS MERAVIGLIOSI.Grazie you to all you, who do I meet with my puppy all giorni.A all, but just to all, a caress HEART !!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Does Ice Cream Hoodies Run Big?
Friday I went by car to pick up my son, back from a minor operation to the foot.
It is not my habit to turn to Milan by car, too much traffic, too many bottlenecks - limited traffic zones, change of directions, road closures for work on the metro - I prefer to move with the media, unless it should go in places ill-served or in special cases like the one on Friday.
The proof of what I say is very simple: I own this car since 2004 and I've done 23,000 km. This means that, with rounding, I traveled about 3,300 miles a year, of which two thirds and one third on holiday, that is 1,100 kilometers, less than nine per day in the city.
When I go to make the cut at Renault, the mechanics laugh and tease me because he did not believe that so little progress in seven years, then watch the odometer and quickly become serious. "So true!" I say thinking I wanted to take the piss. Why
this rigamarole to kilometers, holidays and city? Simple, because even though it runs a little way and I happen to use the car and not once every ten to fifteen days, it always ends up that I find policeman, a policeman, the Highway Patrol and even the financial police that stops me. Yet I have never had a face like a thug or pimp, and much less to shady drug dealer. Indeed. My problem has always been to have the good-natured face, not by Vallanzasca. Maybe it is just that. Better to stop one that almost certainly will not give problems, instead of someone else who might pull out a knife and it all ends in disgust.
I think I'm one of the people, in relation to mileage, can boast the highest percentage of checks by the police.
So Friday I go to get C. in Via Mauro Macchi. I make a piece of Corso Buenos Aires, and when I turn into Via Boscovich, I find it blocked by a tripod. Refurbishment of the pavements and road closed at the corner of Buenos Aires. How likely is it to find it would be closed within a year? I'd be up trecentossessantacinque. three hundred sixty-six if it was a leap year.
Patience, I will turn to the right a couple of bars later, in Casati, then will turn right again until you cross Via Boscovich. While
played on a Casati, just around the corner, I see two fighters, but I do not even shit to smear and then they are so quiet, more than anything else I would lose time. From Via Casati
right turn into via Lecco, mistake and then instead of continuing to Via Benedetto Marcello, turn right on Via San Gregorio. I'm tempted to do five or six feet in reverse to return via Benedetto Marcello, then I say: "No, let it be, is full of watchful waiting only that, how do they catch even the slightest shit now." Rearrange my lap, so it takes ... I'm back in Buenos Aires, I'm going to turn into Via Casati, but firefighters, who had not moved from the corner, this time I spotted and stop me. "And you thought! - I say to myself - it turns out that these do make me late. "
"We favor the license and the registration certificate, please?". At least they're polite, I think.
"Oh, but here's a big problem," says one. I know what the problem is. This is the revision. I was convinced to have to do this year, but I like a worm that gnawed at me for a while ', and now I'm sure he was right.
"I have to breach them, indeed, knows that you could not even move. It can only use the car to go to an authorized ". One hundred and sixty euro.
Usually there are two types of drivers: those who pray and begin to invent a thousand excuses, whine, do funny, fall from the clouds and those who pay and stop.
I, proud and touchy, I never humiliated anyone to pray. Never have I seen a policeman before tearing a fine not to sob stories, so do not make comedy look fine to me as if I were a man which does neither hot nor cold, and this is probably the only decent response from give to those who take a percentage of the misfortunes of others. What could care
brigades that I am unemployed, or who uses the car every two weeks, or it's going to take my son who can not walk?
Exactly, nothing.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
How To Reset Vip Luggage Combination Lock
"I'm lucky," I keep repeating myself.
I'm lucky I still have enough hair to go from not peeled, as happens with my childhood friends, or as my father, one of the last survivors of the seventies who wore a simple carry-over.
I'm lucky, at least a week I have a bronchitis that does not want to go and last night I slept three hours. But I do not have to go to work and I can lounge around between computers and TV.
I'm lucky, in these years I could give everyone a peaceful and comfortable life and have never had need to get up before dawn to clean a street or mixing cement.
I'm lucky, so lucky to suffer for the job makes me feel that there is almost laughable.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Patch No Cd Nascar Racing 4
There was this guy, call Fabio C. - Thirty years ago almost all were named Fabio, Claudio and Roberto. Only in my class, Fabio had four. - Low, large head curly hair that made it even more cumbersome, always place, "a boy perbenino," my mother would say. Too, we thought of the company. And company does not intend to gang, gang or something. Those pathetic assemblages now take only the dregs of the districts.
To join the company were not necessary ridiculous and unfortunate rites of initiation that mimic reality, moral and cultural well below even our dysfunctional reality. To join the company enough to be friends with someone who was already there and it does not matter if you were not cool, SGAM or not you had a Cagiva. You wanted to get the barrels? Well. Did not give a damn? Okay same. Did you visit them only occasionally? No problem, who's there. No raids, no bullies peers, only a quiet suburban life, motor, music, girls, guitars and lots of cold winter.
The proof of this was Fabio C. and others like him. Boys "to the postman" who mingled with other kids completely different social class, taste or cultural level.
But it was an almost automatic that the good guys were the target of jokes at times atrocious. Fabio C., for example, had a bright blue Garelli Gulp single speed, which probably kept clean and polished as his mother kept clean and polish the floors of the house. Sometimes, she appeared in the company, for scolding or delays ridiculous for not having already done their homework. It looked like a gnome: round like an apple, dall'andatura rocking and a head of blond curls that I strongly suspect be a wig.
The moral of all this? None.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Play-mate Of The Ape Online Free
addition to by mail, sometimes the professor sends us by text message, the messages it receives from Serena, below we write someone. 01/18/2011 17:54 hours: carrying a suitcase is not too heavy WHO SHOULD NOT FACE A JOURNEY FROM TOO MANY SEASONS. Serena 24.12.2010 14:24 hours do not fit MANY THINGS WHY 'WE THE SMOOTH TOO. Serena 28.10.2010 15:23 hours every aspect of the created can 'pass on his love. 04/08/2010 16:06 hours Serena NOT REPEAT THE PARROT THAT 'THAT HAS NOT HEARD. Serena
Autodesk Sketchbook Versus Corel Sketch
Clint Eastwood is a great director. It is because it has directed films like Mystic River, Million Dollar Baby, Gran Torino. It is because it has been questioned about the human condition, with a clear style, sharp, merciless. And it is, again, because he managed to build a second career that had already celebrated as an actor, he could no longer be said that had only two expressions: with and without hat.
We, on this blog, we talked about it in laudatory terms (for Gran Torino, in fact), so we had the idea to create another site, similar to "Before I look at you," and dedicated only to beautiful film, in which we used in place of Kevin as a unit of the Clint (project came to naught because, as noted, is much more interesting to write bad reviews than good).
is why regret to note that Eastwood, despite a golden moment of his career, he stumbles. It brings together a film banal, empty, trite. Hereafter, in fact, despite the usual praise criticume run, is a work that says nothing, absolutely nothing, the issue that should speak. That is not, as you might think from the title, Beyond the much-vaunted, life after death, etc., but rather the relationship of humans with this possibility. The whole film, in fact, revolves around the issue, but never reaches the desired bottom line, it being sadly - and unusually - anchored to the surface of the story.
three characters involved: a psychic (Matt Damon, quite credible) that hates to communicate with the dead, a journalist (Cecile De France) which carries the Hereafter during the famous Tsunami of 2004, then waking up in shock, and a boy (Frankie McLaren) who loses her twin brother and is desperate to get back in touch with him. Eventually, all will meet, in a move to Kieslowsky (the mold operation is decidedly European rhythms, and situations) that closes the story, and also the hopes of the audience.
Why, is it clear, we will remember this film for only the first ten, impressive, minutes, in which the computer is rebuilt the fury freak wave that shook Thailand, as if to reveal the inside, through fiction, because hundreds of television news had failed to live again: the gutted houses and vegetation destroyed, the bodies at the mercy of the current together with pieces of normalcy lost (as Cecile De France is in a coma under water, his eyes wide set a teddy bear). It was also the case for the Normandy landings of Saving Private Ryan (twenty minutes visceral monster before pistolotto an honest anti-war), or always in the Spielberg, the attack of the tripod in the War of the Worlds, a fictional one on September 11 handful of shots, that water shall be added later in yet another challenge with the aliens.
broken promises, cinema to lose. You do not understand why, for the sensitive, feel the spirits of the dead is a conviction, rather than a gift that pushed to give up fame as a medium for simple existence as a laborer, or what dark fascination leads the reporter to write afterlife instead of a book essay on Mitterrand agreed with his publisher. Nor do we share enough of the obsessive drive that moves the child above, orphaned brother (and mother-toxic, have come into a service center), desperately looking for him everywhere, wearing a hat, even venendone saved in key deus ex machina, an attack on the underground (London, 2005: There is some attention to current). And there is quite indifferent, ultimately, the same happy ending, with the baby finally makes contact with the deceased through the medium, rewarding him with the address of the journalist, the only one to have had similar experiences to her and therefore, there is suggested, can fall in love.
The afterlife is represented in harmlessly, with a kind of dark background on which to stand, diaphanous, the figures of the dead was not the central issue is sufficiently stereotyped.
The sentence: "It 's even worse than Invictus, Mammamia"
Sconsigliatissimo: to anyone looking for a movie about death to anyone looking for a film about life, to anyone looking for a film by Clint Eastwood.
Rating: KKK
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Store Small Camp Propane
It was not what I wanted to write, it seemed too trivial and obvious . Above all, I was not disappointed so much. But there is no friend, acquaintance or stranger on the street do not stop me and tell me: "The tourist sucks". So, it seems almost inevitable talk about it. Evil, of course. Why, I mean: maybe not so bad, but not beautiful. And with a lot of ideas that would be a shame neglect.
Patti clear, though: this is not a review, but a simple comment. Why do not you write a request here (if not signed and colleague, and also even), but for the mission. If not, what service book is?
So, we said: The tourist. First, it is a spy story, retro, glamorous players. Perfect for the 50s, not too modernized by the cast. It works in so far as all the films of this type. And the box office aside, sorry to the spectators certainly more Italians (Venetians in particular) because, as usual, uses to plunder the location, without worrying too much verisimilitude, as would be the case, half a century ago, any scene with cardboard.
Here, the cartoon. There's a lot in this film, beginning with the restaurants who have never sold as a specialty typical Venetian risotto scampi and champagne? And if you can agree that to chew rice and peas to Angelina Jolie is the ultimate in chic, yet no one has asked the director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (which looks amazing, has directed a masterpiece like The Lives of Others) of set his shooting in the lagoon. And again, the trains. A recurring nightmare of the entire first part of the operation. Before we hear a threatening voice that, at a station empty, the speaker of an unlikely local raves coming from Domodossola, then pretends he is the canard that, looking out the window just before arriving in Venice, you can see the dazzling Tuscan countryside (at a guess, a cinematic device to avoid to resume and Dolo Mirano).
On the other hand, assist the actors. Johnny Depp, who has accumulated two strangely tennis balls instead of the cheekbones (but is not botox, only grassume), and the above mentioned Mrs Pitt, here at home in the part of those who should not ask, do not exceed, should not interpret. Ah, maybe too thin (but probably to make it complementary all'imbolsito protagonist).
There is also, though not worth the excitement, a band of Italian actor, hardcover properly for the occasion. Marcorè blacks in the role of concierge-click, Christian De Sica in to corrupt inspector (a sort of neo-realism to the contrary) and, of course Nino Frassica in clothes detective, at least in the dubbing is performed in an absolute gem: with Depp on a ledge in escape from the bad, the calls with the manner of "Those of the Night", "No butt." And Hollywood is served.
The rest: surely some Italian actor not known to me (not even ask me to forward them through the maze of our Pallosa film) and a few holes in screenwriting segnalatomi post: a boat riddled with bullets that miraculously repairs itself in the next scene, Angelina down on deck after dark and leaves soon after, in the bright dawn of Venice, and the highlight, but I remembered that I, too, that the supersonic travel Giudecca-airport by boat in thirty seconds scarce. Stuff to teleport.
You say, and history? Well, you saw the movie, no need to spoil the plot reveals that the mysterious man who directs the moves of Jolie is actually Johnny Depp, who is then the same person she met apparently by train and goes to Venice , which is love, et cetera. The trick is to understand at least half an hour ahead of the closing credits, and does wonderfully with the useless part.
As for Kevin, however, you have to wipe a few days. There's Clint Eastwood in the halls.
Does Ice Turn On A Guy
Today we wish to witness the continued presence of Serena. Sunday night we were looking for documents, we have looked everywhere but to no avail, so I said "Serena, help me find the documents are important, they serve to Daddy "and ... after a while I went to see in a box (there was just left Pier) and the documents were LI 'IN BELLA VISTA. Yesterday's parents were Pier Serena is a great demonstration with them. In the living room at home mending an electrical machine (those cars that use the children) because it did not work, suddenly the car started nervously and alone, is playing fast and it's gone, my in-laws have looked everywhere but to no avail, the machine was not found. In the evening after searches in vain, my mother-in-law said to Serena "Serena, if you're playing with the toy car go ahead, but then plays what you want hole to find his grandfather, you know that my grandfather is like a child and the toy car she likes so much. " They went to sleep without finding the toy car. This morning, got up and the toy car was in the living room in a magazine. AND THEY WERE ALSO SEE THEM '. GRANDE SERENA, BUT NOT ONLY YOU ARE SURE THAT YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS ALSO DAMAGE BUT NOT unequivocal sign you notice.