Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Driver Ct4780 Windows 7

Battle for Earth (Battlefield Earth) - 3d

There is a movie I never heard of (minimally, I swear), there is a week behind with about three hours of sleep a night, a friend who is - and loving puppets prophet treddì - offers movie night, there is a multiplex equipped with the latest technology, spectacular, and a stand where localaccio gorging on burgers and fries. The ingredients are all there, just stir and serve. The result was, decidedly, alienating. I try to account for as much as possible.

Battle for Earth is (brilliantly, as always) translated and distributed in Italian as Battlefield Earth. Vala, I thought that Earth was said in English, you never stop learning. Within room wrapped in utter ignorance about the product that I am going to experiment. We enter the room and there is no mask to provide the precious glasses for viewing three-dimensional (start well), we sit and poor public and indecipherable, making it impossible to predict what kind of film has been finished to meet . Pass the usual trailer 3d, and the show begins. Shocking.

On a planet that is not our (mmm), the film opens with a bucolic scene - if you agree to apply the definition of a species of tapir with its wings fluttering (function: insect) from one another in the number of structures vaguely resembling anemones with wings (function: flowers), is supposed to pollination. The landscape, to be frank, is fairly desert (and LSD, as well), but still understand that it is a happy place. Inhabited not only by the insettazzi and plants (mah) above, two or three other species of animals and plants. Bell'ecosistema Great, congratulations. It turns out that there would also be the fateful intelligent species, in this case personified by a race of strange beasts, a sort of cross between Snorky and surfboards (the definition is not mine, but god sock) - which, guess what, well known to fluctuate. Them, pulling on delicate but effective strokes of the tail (a form of surfing, of course) and floating in the air. They have very large eyes (in my opinion they are all made like marbles, but they deny) and gentle soul. They live in peace with nature. They drive sort of mega kite to move faster - which offers memorable scenes, like the one in which two young shoots of this pesky breed flutter in the company of a kind of whale of heaven. Which, moreover, we are rewarded with several shots, including a complicated details of his sphincter. Wow.

All this comes on the scene a giant spaceship, which obscures the sun and casts an unwarranted panic in the residents of the one, tiny, cities on the planet - the uneducated believe to be coming from the sky. More prosaically, it is humans, who emigrated from our planet as a result of destructive war in search of new living space. And not at all willing to negotiate. A little clever, though, as instead of nuke or otherwise wipe out the natives, passing low-flying with the ship and kidnap them one by one - in order, it seems, to understand how to inhale an atmosphere for us especially unbearable. While carrying out this noble mission of a heroic pilots crashed badly. It is saved from the shoots of the alien race (which he, with touching kindness, apostrophes repeatedly "monster"), concerned not so much to him manzitudine (especially the sexy ears ours) but to convince him to save his father, a prisoner in the last raid human. A trailer is a robot fessacchiotto insettiforme and pedantic (but, deep down, very good). Born respect, friendship, trust and various cocks. He returns home on the ship s mother, with her company (which, however, has a natural mechanical genius, despite belonging to a race back voluntarily - planet you visit, the Romans do). It turns out that the people of pacificissimo Snout malcresciuti was once a warrior and as most of us, first to repent. What instructive. Incidentally, they are more than ready, the wasps out of proportion, to take up arms in order to drive us out - justly - to kick some ass. On the human front, a general and fascist ingrifato the conquest launched his final attack, a giant siringone desioso to plant on the planet and make the atmosphere so worthily peroxide - guarantee victory for the opponent asphyxia. Too bad that the heroic pilot is now conquered by the beautiful and intelligent monsters, and you go and crashed into the last hope of our race in order to save the natives. The pig traitor. But as always there is a but.

The young creature has learned the lesson and the sign on the right and left: it is better to live in peace who massacred each other. By refusing, therefore, bloodstained hands of all people, compromise solution. We build a huge tent that, by virtue of everything inexplicable to the undersigned reviewer, will be able to hold a special dome under oxygen in sufficient quantities to ensure the flourishing of humans. Prosper, oh my God, look at rats in a cage or aviary birds, but so often you have time and are content.

The details escape me, because I wandered between sleep and waking, half vision - indeed, it appeared to be rather difficult to see the movies before the harvest of improbable nonsense that ran on the screen. The thought that they were heavy and subsequent digestion raving private softened everything. But let me think, I forget anything?

Ah, yes. Earth is the name that our, misrepresent light years away from Earth, have given (them speaking English, of course), the planet that wanted to parasitize. That of the Snorks, yes. Beautiful translation. Too bad the film.


Battle for Earth - 3D

In a sentence: "designs are also made, but these beasts can not watch."
Sconsigliatissimo: who loves the good work in CG: Pixar, Dreamworks, etc.. Or the traditional Disney-style cartoons. Or the Japanese. Well, you get. The others, I tell you to do?
Rating: KKKK (I would not go beyond, I have lost some sleep)


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