Monday, November 30, 2009

Herpes Outbreak Or Something Else

SIGN THE APPEAL OF FREE to halt the sale of property confiscated from the mafia

No gifts to the Mafia: the goods are confiscated what our

Thirteen years ago, more than a million people signed the petition calling on Parliament to pass the law for ' social use of goods confiscated from the mafia
. A call picked up by all political forces, which voted unanimously
the law 109/96. Was crowned, so, the dream of those who, starting from
Pio La Torre, had paid with his life the commitment to take away from the clan
accumulated wealth illegally.
Today that commitment is likely to be betrayed. An amendment
introduced in the Senate Finance Law, in fact,
provides for the sale of confiscated property that you can not allocate
within three or six months. It 's easy to imagine, thanks to the ability of known
mafia organizations to mask their presence, who will forward the
to buy villas, houses and land belonging to the boss and that they represented
many symbols of their power, built with violence, blood,
abuses, until the intervention of the state.
The sale of these goods will mean only one thing: that the Government give in to the difficulties of their full and effective social re-use, as required by law.
And the return of those goods in availability of the clan to which they were stolen, thanks to the work of law enforcement and the judiciary, will have a disruptive effect on the credibility of the institutions.
For these reasons, we urge the Government and Parliament to reconsider and withdraw the amendment on the sale of confiscated property.
Sirafforzi, rather, the action of those investigating to find the riches of
clan. Reforms be introduced rules that facilitate the reuse of goods and social
be given practical effect to the rule that states the confiscation of property
to the corrupt. It will be primarily allocated to the families of victims and witnesses of
mob justice money and financial resources to stealing
mafias. But we do not sell those seized assets representing the sign of the redemption of an Italy
civil, honest and courageous. Because these goods are really all
"cosa nostra".


Monday, November 23, 2009

Green Phlegm When To See Doctor


"Damn you ...."
I can not use another expression for those who voted for the privatization of water, and that used by Jesus in Luke's Gospel, against the rich " Damn you rich .... "
Woe to those who voted for the commodification of water.
We will continue to shout that water is life, water is sacred, water is a basic human right.
It 's the most crushing defeat of the policy. E 'stravittoria of the economic-financial potentates, the international lobby. And 'the victory of the policy of privatization, business, business.
is at the expense sis 'water', today the most precious asset of humanity, which will be increasingly scarce, both for climate change, and an increase in population. That privatization Water is a choice that will be paid a heavy price from the underprivileged classes of that country (bills by 30-40% more, at least), but mainly from the impoverished of the world. If today 50 million a year die from starvation and related diseases, 100 million will die of thirst tomorrow. Which of the three billion people living today with less than two dollars a day, will pay for water? "We are
for life, water is life, source of life. And we are sure that theirs is only a Pyrrhic victory. For this reason we ask everyone to turn this 'defeat' in a renewed commitment to water, for life, for democracy. We are confident that this will be a parliamentary vote a "boomerang" for those who have voted.
Our first is an appeal to the people, to every man and woman of good will. We have to start from below, from ordinary people, by the municipalities.
Thus, we ask:

-CITIZENS of protest against the Ronchi Decree, by sending e-mail to their parliamentary
-creating groups in defense of water as locally at the regional level;
-form themselves into cooperatives to manage their water.
municipalities to hold councils
-single issue in defense of water;
-state water common good, 'no economic significance';
make the right choice-PUBLIC COMPANY SPECIAL.

TO ATO-ATO to 64 (optimal territorial areas), now assigned to Spa in total public capital to transform itself into special agencies, managed with the participation of citizens.
-challenging the constitutionality of the new law as did the Puglia Region;
-pass laws on regional governance of water.

-unions to decide on the privatization of water;
-mobilize and mobilize citizens against the commodification of water.
-proclaimed water is a basic human right in the wake of the recent encyclical of Benedict XVI, which speaks of 'access to water as a universal right of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination "(27);
-protest as CEI ( Italian Episcopal Conference) against the Ronchi Decree.
to inform their faithful on the water issue;
- organize in defense of water.
parties to
- to express very clearly their position on the management of 'water-
to propose a parliamentary debate on the law of popular initiative against the privatization of water, signed by over 400,000 citizens.
Water is blue gold of the twenty-first century. Together with the air, water is the most precious asset of humanity. We want to cry now more than ever what we yelled in many squares and theaters in this country: "The air and water are absolutely essential to the basic goods and the lives of all living beings from birth and become the natural rights Untouchables-words of Archbishop Emeritus of Messina, G. Mattock. The water belongs to everyone and no one can be allowed to appropriate it to derive illicit profit, and therefore requests that continue to be run exclusively by the municipalities organized into public companies, which have always a duty to ensure their distribution to the lowest possible cost. "

Alex Zanotelli, a Comboni missionary

Note: If you want to join the letter Zanotelli write an email to: with
the word "subscribe".

Thank you for your e-mail Ivana :-)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What To Say For 18 Wishes

Parnassus interruptus

is tactless and cruel to speak ill of a film mutilated, but before the death of its lead actor Terry Gilliam has taken the risk of concluding, we too, in this service book, we get to criticize it. Parnassus - the man who would cheat the devil (another opportunity lost by the Italian translation, which has ruined the original, much more evocative, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus), though it is already known to history as the last film of Heath Ledger alive, there is his first film seemed pretty dead.
Ledger, for all, the angel is sacrificed, the unforgettable Joker, the James Dean these days so little accustomed to mythology. Inevitably, then, that at the beginning of the end credits of his latest effort does not read the name of the director, but the inscription, "a film by Heath Ledger and his friends." For the record that are, as you know, Jude Law, Colin Farrell and Johnny Depp. Stars who stand beyond the mirror, who well (Farrell), who badly (Law), who remaking itself (Depp, now a prisoner of his own acting eccentric). Gilliam, his imagination of paper, cloth and pulleys is the only scenario, unfortunately the computer junkie, although still capable of peak expression (such as walking on broken glass Parnassus's daughter, played by the porcelain Valentina Lily Cole).
for ourselves, we would be able to give content to work following the great start, a street theater (the Imaginarium of course), set in a London suburb, where Doctor Parnassus (Christopher Plummer worn with a greasepaint) invites souls to transcend their earthly dimension, venturing into her own - and their - fantasy. But when the party is Ledger, hung under the bridge as an omen of the Friars Blacks (do not know why I thought of Jeff Buckley, perhaps because of the water), and discovers that he is still alive (or dead), the story does not know if he or rotate around the main theme, namely the battle with the Devil Doctor, enamored of her daughter and ready to reclaim it, in fulfillment of a pact Faustian. Mr. Nick, the name of Lucifer to Gilliam, Tom Waits is, of course, that rather than a devil looks terrible singer, hint of a mustache understood, at least since he started playing in broken glass gypsy dresses.
Nobody will tell us that the first part of the sequences are too long (including the lines connecting the petulant nano Parnassus) because it was necessary to ensure a shot with Ledger as possible. After all, is its own character to be unresolved, its provenance and then in destiny, and, when multiplied in appearance, even more ambiguous, but simply shattered, like everything else. Collapses because the theater of Parnassus, collapses the hope of winning the decisive bet with the Devil (who wins the first five souls saved to Valentina), collapses ultimately too oblique, often cruel, grotesque charge of Gilliam, which dilutes all in a pleasant but unnecessary uproar.
In the end, Ledger is dead for at least one time Law has released more smiles than necessary, Waits will return to dance alone, and Plummer to look away from his daughter, torn from the company around, but not the imagination the world, which has reserved, it seems, a new existence. Because - and this is what remains - the sense of a story (of life) is in his own creative and regenerative force. But if you do this, the cinema, can have fun, we stayed in the room, struggling with the switch on the lights, it is sad to know that everything was informed by a break: the leading man has raised the trick, maybe drunk staggered breaks in recitative (as does Parnassus, bored eternity), leaving us in exchange for duplication, vapid and useless. And throwing him the weight of absence, which is small on the screen as a flurry of confetti.


Parnassus - The man who would cheat the Devil

In a sentence: "nothing is forever, not even death"
Sconsigliatissimo: who are still locked corrosive to the vein of Gilliam's Brazil and Twelve Monkeys.
Rating: KK

Monday, September 14, 2009

Indoor Baskeball Courts In Nj

Smile - Before I look at you Then you smile

Council Preliminary: Do not be fooled by the poster. Zombie-shaped scar of a smile that inspires "Smile", the debut of Francis Gasperoni, follower of the new horror all'amatriciana, there is no trace in the film. Abound quite exotic, grotesque and curses, as seen in some Italian production of the seventies.
Everything takes place in the Moroccan desert, where a company of seven unlucky improvised a holiday on the road worthy of the worst outcomes. One of them, addicted to photography, has taken the car to snatch a gypsy, and is looking for a replacement device. Then lands in a shop of antiques, where hatching, including crockery and dust, an old Polaroid instant camera. The operator - Armand Assante in a pure loan of face and name - sells off it to him for 25 euro, warning him to treat it with care and take pictures of his friends. Engrossed by the mystery (which contributes the usual child silent, probably daughter of the owner) the acquisition, and follows the suggestion dell'azzimato lender.
Here begins the curse, and trash. Refrain gender: who is immortalized dies - pardon the oxymoron - by the hand object in the photo. Change, however, the location: Morocco permitting, you move immediately from the dunes to a bush, where the unwary want to improvise a campsite, attracted by the fame of the place animistic (Lonely Planet dixit, at least according to the writer). Invariably lost among the branches, seeking help from an angry native hunter, who noticed the accessory, warns terror of the curse that hangs over them: do not shoot for charity.
Nobody, of course, gives him a straight. Indeed, the fools have already made out, without knowing it, a traveling companion, the first to be photographed, and strangely missing from the evening before the trip: everyone thinks they're back home, but nobody - blissful innocence - if it finds the first leave. We, in fact, we have been transfixed by a portable missile (with her picture on a wall) when he returns to the hotel.
The rest is mere canvas. Die before the hunter, then all my friends, except one (preferred), the main character. Objects killer, depending on the context photo: deer antlers, lightning (or perhaps spontaneous combustion, it is not clear: some of the photos came evil), pointed trunk, shovel, another missile, but less justified than the first. The two survivors, miraculously, they manage in the meantime to leave the forest and cross a graveyard - the sly already seen some scenes before - where they discover the graves to the surprise of the hunter and the girl in the shop. People already dead, and for years before their arrival.
What's happening? Presto said. Found the jeep, and the notches of the internet, they discover that our Armand Assante - the proverbial, the crowds - it was actually a photographer for newspapers corpses, mad after discovering that the last of his subjects was the daughter ( Certainly, the girl above) brutally murdered. Brainstorm delirium following: the man, to vent their anger, he had actually killed the subject, including hunter, by the same mechanism of Polaroid, before hanging himself. So a ghost, he too. And yet everything else, one might think. Gasperoni in Serbian but has the final surprise: not at all affected by the background, which is actually quite useless, has yet to dispose of two victims, and does so in the most picturesque: while the protagonist is taking pictures in the desert for download evil tool, here they go before a car at the time of the click reflected in the window, pretty sharp, the silhouettes of her and friend. Oh, no. The roar of the engine and securities tail.


- Remarkable is the background: a dodged a blow from the front of the jeep, with a coach who later stage. In shock, photography down to capture the wreck, when the vehicle leaves a lame lutulenta gypsy that tears the room, trimmed cultural exchange as a bloody monkey. In long shot someone exclaims, unexpected: "It seems a surreal situation." Probably a gloss of the script, not canceled;
- Outstanding sequence of the shovel-ghost, floating in the air malicious, before piercing the victim. There are not any wires, then we all'avanspettacolo;
- From the shivering direction: from start to finish makes almost exclusive use of the first floor, it was not a documentary;
- Given the topic, entitled "Cheese" there would have seemed more coherent.



In a sentence: "slap from start to finish, very bad acting by everyone." Indeed, sorry, this was to GI Joe. The correct sentence is: "I'm regretting GI Joe"
Sconsigliatissimo: anyone who continues to prefer Tarantino Mario Bava, despite the declared artistic kinship.
Rate: kkkk

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Skin Rash That Itches And Looks Like Scratches

S. Darko

Donnie has also had a sister, but St. Darko, the sequel to Donnie Darko apocryphal, it is not even a distant relative of the original.
lacked the stigmata of Richard Kelly, author of the first episode, the film about Samantha, sister of the protagonist (the listless Daveigh Chase), it is a grim rimasticatura ideas of the previous story. In fact, a sacking.
Because if time travel, alternate universes and sleepwalking still speaking, the parties have changed in the vision of Chris Fisher, director of the operation, is not to indoctrinate Frank the bunny on the end of the world but S. itself, At the zombie version, which launches curses and commands to the unfortunate duty, a veteran of Iraq overwhelmed with fear (Iraq Jack to his friends), temporarily saved from the fall of a meteorite.
The rest is pure abuse of images and ideas which have proved successful: the wormhole and the like, which overturned the story twice (making it totally useless to the first part), false appearances (in place of the guru is the priest pedophile pervert who creativity), the provincial environment (instead of high school, the town on the road of Conejo Springs, where Corey S. Amica end up a failure in the ignition).
absent, however, the strengths the predecessor apart from the melancholy and terror was replaced by a uniform flatness descriptive, lacking social criticism, guilty bartered with a litany of stereotypes (the puppet of which falls in love with Jimmy Dean Corey, the repressed nerd that we find hands a piece of meteorite initial sbarellando consequently, the unfailing child ghost). Only survivor in the general wreck, and Elizabeth Berkeley, in the guise of a serial killer, God-fearing Pure
vulgarity, instead, you get the parallel universe, or rather the poetry of possibility, a mere rhetorical device , so that S., for the duration of the plot goes back and forth with the afterlife: the first day of living and dead of night, then died by day and night, then again alive by day and, hopefully, just sleepwalking through the rest.
you wonder what has become of the rabbit: Well, is introduced by force in the history of the protagonist, in one of his speeches to the poor from inner circles back to make the above style armor for the sole purpose - we believe - to recreate the familiar logo of the first film for the use and consumption of the posters.
seems superfluous even write the ending is the same, also the director, the pilot episode: light parade on the lives of the characters after the change dell'antefatto, with several nods to the paradoxes time. Ultimately, the meteorite is actually fell on the soldiers (poor) and St from which he fled back to life (but not the friend, who remains with the puppet). As the child ghost that for previous abduction of Berkeley, we see him looking through the bars of his hiding place. Saved from his fate or not, we do not know.
single console (?) That is not on Conejo Springs Fell the meteor shower heralded by the nerd in the alternate future: it would - ipse dixit - not spelled out the arrival of "tesseranti. Who understands us is good.

- Among the victims of Berkeley is also the brother of the puppet. Condition good to create an empathy with S., she too distraught over the death of Donnie. Too bad the director did not we spend more than a minute;
- Iraq Jack is the grandson of Grandma Death. Morivate I know that the desire to know.


S. Darko

In one sentence: "I slept a good ten minutes"
Sconsigliatissimo : a person who, after Donnie Darko, wants to maintain memory of an original and intelligent film. Do not let this result we plunge over.
Rating: KKKK

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Driver Ct4780 Windows 7

Battle for Earth (Battlefield Earth) - 3d

There is a movie I never heard of (minimally, I swear), there is a week behind with about three hours of sleep a night, a friend who is - and loving puppets prophet treddì - offers movie night, there is a multiplex equipped with the latest technology, spectacular, and a stand where localaccio gorging on burgers and fries. The ingredients are all there, just stir and serve. The result was, decidedly, alienating. I try to account for as much as possible.

Battle for Earth is (brilliantly, as always) translated and distributed in Italian as Battlefield Earth. Vala, I thought that Earth was said in English, you never stop learning. Within room wrapped in utter ignorance about the product that I am going to experiment. We enter the room and there is no mask to provide the precious glasses for viewing three-dimensional (start well), we sit and poor public and indecipherable, making it impossible to predict what kind of film has been finished to meet . Pass the usual trailer 3d, and the show begins. Shocking.

On a planet that is not our (mmm), the film opens with a bucolic scene - if you agree to apply the definition of a species of tapir with its wings fluttering (function: insect) from one another in the number of structures vaguely resembling anemones with wings (function: flowers), is supposed to pollination. The landscape, to be frank, is fairly desert (and LSD, as well), but still understand that it is a happy place. Inhabited not only by the insettazzi and plants (mah) above, two or three other species of animals and plants. Bell'ecosistema Great, congratulations. It turns out that there would also be the fateful intelligent species, in this case personified by a race of strange beasts, a sort of cross between Snorky and surfboards (the definition is not mine, but god sock) - which, guess what, well known to fluctuate. Them, pulling on delicate but effective strokes of the tail (a form of surfing, of course) and floating in the air. They have very large eyes (in my opinion they are all made like marbles, but they deny) and gentle soul. They live in peace with nature. They drive sort of mega kite to move faster - which offers memorable scenes, like the one in which two young shoots of this pesky breed flutter in the company of a kind of whale of heaven. Which, moreover, we are rewarded with several shots, including a complicated details of his sphincter. Wow.

All this comes on the scene a giant spaceship, which obscures the sun and casts an unwarranted panic in the residents of the one, tiny, cities on the planet - the uneducated believe to be coming from the sky. More prosaically, it is humans, who emigrated from our planet as a result of destructive war in search of new living space. And not at all willing to negotiate. A little clever, though, as instead of nuke or otherwise wipe out the natives, passing low-flying with the ship and kidnap them one by one - in order, it seems, to understand how to inhale an atmosphere for us especially unbearable. While carrying out this noble mission of a heroic pilots crashed badly. It is saved from the shoots of the alien race (which he, with touching kindness, apostrophes repeatedly "monster"), concerned not so much to him manzitudine (especially the sexy ears ours) but to convince him to save his father, a prisoner in the last raid human. A trailer is a robot fessacchiotto insettiforme and pedantic (but, deep down, very good). Born respect, friendship, trust and various cocks. He returns home on the ship s mother, with her company (which, however, has a natural mechanical genius, despite belonging to a race back voluntarily - planet you visit, the Romans do). It turns out that the people of pacificissimo Snout malcresciuti was once a warrior and as most of us, first to repent. What instructive. Incidentally, they are more than ready, the wasps out of proportion, to take up arms in order to drive us out - justly - to kick some ass. On the human front, a general and fascist ingrifato the conquest launched his final attack, a giant siringone desioso to plant on the planet and make the atmosphere so worthily peroxide - guarantee victory for the opponent asphyxia. Too bad that the heroic pilot is now conquered by the beautiful and intelligent monsters, and you go and crashed into the last hope of our race in order to save the natives. The pig traitor. But as always there is a but.

The young creature has learned the lesson and the sign on the right and left: it is better to live in peace who massacred each other. By refusing, therefore, bloodstained hands of all people, compromise solution. We build a huge tent that, by virtue of everything inexplicable to the undersigned reviewer, will be able to hold a special dome under oxygen in sufficient quantities to ensure the flourishing of humans. Prosper, oh my God, look at rats in a cage or aviary birds, but so often you have time and are content.

The details escape me, because I wandered between sleep and waking, half vision - indeed, it appeared to be rather difficult to see the movies before the harvest of improbable nonsense that ran on the screen. The thought that they were heavy and subsequent digestion raving private softened everything. But let me think, I forget anything?

Ah, yes. Earth is the name that our, misrepresent light years away from Earth, have given (them speaking English, of course), the planet that wanted to parasitize. That of the Snorks, yes. Beautiful translation. Too bad the film.


Battle for Earth - 3D

In a sentence: "designs are also made, but these beasts can not watch."
Sconsigliatissimo: who loves the good work in CG: Pixar, Dreamworks, etc.. Or the traditional Disney-style cartoons. Or the Japanese. Well, you get. The others, I tell you to do?
Rating: KKKK (I would not go beyond, I have lost some sleep)

How Much Are Chanel Bags At The Outlet?

S. Valentino blood - 3d

At first: Harmony, a charming town in small town America. Laughing, laughing a Kaiser is bleak place, empty, devoid of motives and interests, which turns everything around a mine, a supermarket and a little money from the motel where infrattarsi with local hookers (more or less professional) - all of classical topoi 'horror, which will be badly used later. In return, the city (yes, in short, more or less) is inhabited by a monotonous undergrowth of idiots, psychopaths and horned (Difficult, honestly, to say which of the three categories prevail, demographically).

In this idyllic setting is triggered the tragedy: a young beggar (masterfully misinterpreted by that Jensen Ackles), as the son of the owner of the cabin, is unexpectedly put to work in a mine. Following his absolute and total stupidity, a group of six miners became involved in an explosion (reason: gas) and buried under the rubble. It will be extracted, but unfortunately, five of the six victims of the disaster have received so much loving pickaxe to the head from the sixth man, the lovable Harry Warden - who has been so restricted oxygen, to be able to get out vivo, although in a coma. One year after the good
Harry wakes up in the hospital, and has not forgotten or not at all metabolized the matter well: indeed, cheerfully massacre (with bare hands? Or had, please, leave the pick among the personal belongings? Mah) Assorted hospital staff, leaving the astonished cops a pout-pourri of dismembered bodies (literally: torso on one side, the other legs, voilà), rib cages ripped, heart extracts, various short delicatessen.

That ardor is not without purpose, clearly, the proud picconate want posted to a party with all the worst of local youth, shrewdly kept the mine above (the creativity of teenagers Indians) to take revenge on the misguided youth responsible for the accident (on behalf of Tom, I know that morivate by the desire to know) etc etc. En passant, variously limbs all those he meets, forcing a generational change is not expected. Unfortunately for Harry - and for you, that you would have saved well over an hour of film - some callow resist, slowing the massacre until the police arrive. I like cops chasing mascheratissimo (looks like a Darth Vader before his time, especially for the heavy breathing barely above it everywhere) killer up & down the mine, the smitragliano of bullets, and finally emerge victorious. Pare.

Ten years later, we carried over to Harmony and, surprise! He has not changed shit! The place is always immersed in the identical, very often blanket of unnecessary misery. Only Tom is gone, having lost a bit 'of peace with Valentine's Day massacre. Returns, the wise guy in order to sell off his father's mine (who knows why, then, with many beautiful memories that we had). Is accepted, as appropriate, as one who brings death (all convinced that Harry Warden is dead but will soon return to pursue the former young, still and always awkward), or as one who wants to rediscover the former side, now wife of the sheriff. In short, a welcome full of affection. Nevertheless, it stops (for sexual purposes, of course), and actually the massacres to take over pickaxe. With them begins the welter of assumptions about who is responsible malvagissimo. First bettors focus on Harry Warden. Yes, that killed ten years earlier. In order to bring down the odds a bunch of old man (former police chief, former head of the mine, etc.) leads the young players at the place where they gave (the elders), with their hands, the burial was picconate Prince of Harmony. Too bad the pit is empty. On the other hand, we learn that he had been buried with the mask and pick. A touch of class, respect for the dead (if it were). Ridiculous scenes abound, and the 3D effects are systematically used in school to say the least. People are being pitted repetitive manner (preference for large skull and ribs), the mysterious killer shortness of breath (halitosis? suspect yes) announces the time, anywhere in good time. Fortunately, he also read the minimal grammar of horror movies, though, and then reveals itself only when we expect it. Mom, what a fright! The plot, on the other hand, refuses to unfold, remains forever stuck at the same, stale, period.

comes the final, and some pitiful attempt to mislead there has certainly prevented to maintain the firm conviction that behind the Mascherona (and asthma) Assassin lurks a certain person - you have put in about 9 seconds to figure it out, and you were wrong. By contrast, the inhabitants are all very hard on the uptake, and do not get it until you find a pickaxe planted in some more or less vital organ. Natural selection, come to think about. Someone saved by immoderate ass, or do not own merits. The climax was, surprise, in the mine (they had closed, the fools). They will go out a couple (canonical, man & woman, nothing innovative, no hope) of survivors moderately heroes. And, as is proper, the killer himself. Question: But in America really policemen, firemen, soldiers do not notice if one of them moves away from the scene of the tragedy with a mask that hides his face, swaying and dripping with blood? It will be special training ...

An aesthetic considerations, in closing: The next time you make a horror 3d, the canonical role of victim-women-naked, with two boobs to choose a more exuberant. Otherwise the three-dimensionality of effettone I remain mortified. Thanks.


S. Valentino blood - 3d

In a sentence: "IlMaiNato was better" - which is saying something. Or: "Come on, it's him, clearly." Then, after an hour and a little more: "I told you it was him."
Sconsigliatissimo: who wanted to go see a movie with effects, not only Indeed, without film. And those who were uncomfortable with guts constantly on display (delicatini!).
Rating: KKKK (for me 'rubbish ste two are equal)

Anorexia Recovery Before And After

S. Valentino blood - 3d

Perhaps there will come a time in the future, when we look back and remember the advent of the third dimension to the movies. As happened to the sound and color. Of course, right now, we are in full swing "nickelodeon" shows put together by a penny just to surprise the audience, and even more as the famous train that pierced the screen a century ago.
It is inevitable that, having defined the genre in the meantime, the task is to tap into two types of film: horror movies and cartoons, has always voted with extremes of situations, even at the expense of directing, screenwriting, etc. ..
happens. And it happened, unfortunately, also in "My Bloody Valentine 3D", a new transaction-based marketing and glasses when I fell.
Yes, I know. Whenever there is a media phenomenon that breaks the box office syndrome ("The Blair Witch Project"), the film reveals, inevitably, a sloppy and disgraceful sideshow, good only for the trailer, and fears carnevalizio joke.
But anyhow: the horde of three-dimensional puppets arriving in theaters was evasive. So, to document the phenomenon, touching on the series zeta fold of flesh and bones.
Now, it sounds too offensive to you (and me) to stick with a review.
Why not film it, but of simple Funhouse amusement park in the province, with a lot of mining and rail scenario (although it must be said, the villain of the moment is a healthy, ambulatory, and that is a pleasure ).
Right from the opening theme, however, we learn that in the town of Harmony (I do not dwell on the sublime irony of the name) the miner Tom Hanniger for tragic distraction caused an accident in a tunnel of the mine. Die all but one of his co-workers, Harry Warden, who remained in a coma for a year, he wakes up and finds nothing better to do than cut into pieces the hospital staff (as we do not know, there are no clubs ferrate in patients' rooms) before cut and run.
The story (re) starts just a feast of St. Valentine, a group of guys, including himself Hanniger, decide - with admirable insight - the environment in the mine.
Obviously, tearing bodies Warden returns to the delight of the 3d, so as blatant as ridiculous. Indeed, at the end of the new massacre, is also gunshot holes in the agents rushed to the scene. But not killed, God forbid.
Hanniger, however, survived the massacre and, very slightly shaken by the events, he decided to leave. Harmony will return to only ten years later, to sell the lucky that mine was the father.
Welcomed to town with the same warmth, which reserves a witch during the Inquisition (the community takes place at very dell'eccidio), will face her husband, sheriff of his then-girlfriend and a sudden upsurge of crimes perpetrated in the manner preferred by the pickaxe killer (or massacres, dissections, massacres). It is still
Warden? The old country's vow to kill him, but in the pit for scavatagli the opportunity is not nothing left. Thus, hypotheses on the exciting start of the acts (in the city suspect, more than anything to dislike, be it Hanniger). From
deluded, confident of a final pseudo-logical. Instead, this is not enough, the enlightened writers (?) Use, once more, the doping character of the mad. That among other things, we are told, will escape another attempt to capture, dressed as a policeman and away unnoticed (despite the pace caracollante, typical of those who received a volley of machine-gun on him). A fortune.
In closing, a few notes: the film, actually, gutter juice from every pore. Yes often has the feeling, indeed, that the characters are made of polystyrene, given the ease with which the busts are cut, punctured skulls, dislocated jaws. As make-up, nothing to say. As aesthetics, is typical of the serial horrors, with a few forays into various sadistic and dive into the trash (memorable in this sense, the sequence of the hotel, which combines all the typical places like this: nudity on display, made fun of dwarfism, animals crumbled). For the three dimensions, the budget is thin: the objects that I have virtually got him, I dodged a gun, and looked wistfully an eyeball torn. The blows of a pickaxe, but I missed them all, but perhaps it is because sleepiness.

S. Valentine of Blood - 3d

In a sentence: "I did not realize that was the mine's"
to anyone who loves horror movies (it's unspeakably boring), the three dimensions (are wasted) and the feast of St. Valentino (put flowers in your picks).
Rating: KKKK

6 Week Oldbaby Schedule

The Unborn

After unspeakably long gestation, I am finally here (led by feelings of guilt, the insistence of Egon, fancazzismo endemic, incurable hatred towards the horror we propinano nowadays) to give birth review of yet another film of poor quality syrup to save us the torment you, loyal fans. Note: I spent the verve with shrewd humorous references to motherhood corsivettati in the first sentence - the heat, you know, makes me Financo less cheerful than usual. Therefore, from now on you have a cold record consists of the cinematic experience by seeing the horror cul (the "t" is not only unnecessary but misleading, see below) from the title, as you might guess, The Unborn.

Together, then, fellow - much more captivated me from the general - and particularly intoxicated by love for film only attraction at the sight of the promising poster (when camped and uninhibited babe sodissimi the buttocks of the protagonist, and only margin - right - appeared the pestiferous Jumby , what wants to be born, now etc etc) - ingrifato, in short, as is appropriate, and provided with plenty of confidence, I went in the room. Following an hour and a half in which the poor story unfolds on the screen without a jolt that one - hint to the producers of horror: when you want to jump on the chair NOT notify the public systematically with jingle and shot him to a standard that is the evil monster to do "bu." If not then people expect it. It 's the 21st century, we are all savvy, blablabla. The gist of the story (indeed, very little) can be summarized as follows:

  • the usual handful of producers with no shred of quality meets in plenary session, and after - presumably - 120 hours of intense brainstorming, offers the fateful genius: let's make a horror. Wow. But beware!, There is the novelty. The topic: the unborn babies, children who do not want to give birth. In essence, the first horror abortion in living memory. Shiver, progressivism, Welcome to the age-Obama;
  • the protagonist (babe appropriately waved to the audience) is young and naive, and you see the world plunged into a nightmare when several disturbing visions of the face while jogging: a particularly frightening Botolo fat-faced man and the son of the neighbors that the team horny;
  • follows epiphany Maino's eponymous, unique taste that manifests in the appearance ("bu", systematic) preferably from the mirror in the bathroom when the girl is checking her scantily clad in the evening - bravo!, encore!;
  • investigating the apparent calm of the family past, she suddenly remembers that his mother died in an asylum, ravaged by the madness, the grandmother he never knew who he was, there are several things that do not fit (a brother? I had a twin brother who was never born? Come on?), the father, on the other hand, if you give a damn high, and rightly so engrossed in his work (a bit 'of ethics, for God's sake!)
  • is revealed that his grandmother is alive and well, even if vaguely troubled by events in the past: she had been in concentration camp (Ah, the other ingredient is new! Horror Holocaust-themed!), where dr. Mengele (voila, more original), experimenting with gay, had bonded twin brother (daje. ..), thus opening the door to a typical embodiment of a demon (so it seems) the imaginary Jewish - the dybbuk ;
  • which dybbuk, obstinate to death, then pursued by the same family for generations, in search of another vehicle by which slip into the world of the living - you can apparently get hold of anyone who is within range, but only pro tempore , and would much rather have someone indefinitely (it has to be one of the twins, mah), and fatefully chooses our heroine (Bravo, again!) - a gift which would lead a temper, but also the deep blue eyes shining (the always valid Mengele had achieved the goal, finally, the influence of Arian jew)
  • enters the great Gary Oldman in the role of a rabbi and progressive svogliatissimo, who at first refuses to help the girl with an exorcism Kabbalistic (here, here's the news!), but then - haunted by guilt and visions of her lower back - portrayed his position, recruit the necessary help of a friend of his color basketball coach (giuro!) and a dozen other extras unwise, and is preparing to remove for ever the devil;
  • the thing, of course, costs a juicy toll and assorted aches, but fails. If only the young, in a finale that really can to not surprise as few times in history, discovers she is pregnant: guess what? Twins! We await developments. But no.

There could be more to say. You try to revive a dead person before birth (while we're on the subject) to misrepresent quotes from classics of the genre - but any attempt at serious landslide miserably in front of the scene where an old semi-paralyzed and stunned (close to my grandmother's secret room nursing home) is fun zompettare the corridors at night, loosely imitating the pace up the stairs he made famous The Exorcist . The moral that it takes, unequivocally, that is a bit 'of possession does wonders for rheumatoid arthritis - and for various forms of dementia. The rest of the cast is composed of people who clearly deserve to end up murdered (see canonical stupid friend of the protagonist, slain by the little guy next door, however, that clearly is evil inside of her, and possession in the end it's all an excuse) or fuck it beautifully. Oldman is exemplary in this respect - but, if anything, will not sell the usual "Have faith and you will save." What, then, is not true. Everybody knows that.

Moral: Jews, bad guys, abortions and peck their own demons. Maybe I I am wrong. Maybe it's not a horror so progressive.

PS: a prayer from the heart. Just mention Mengele in error. Now he starred in the most drama of Count Dracula and Frankenstein's monster put together. Would it be worth remembering that this is not a bad comic book - on a small effort.


The Unborn

In a sentence: "IlMaiNato was better," referring to SanValentinoDiSangue3D - I do not know, indeed: here have high ambitions as well, which is unforgivable ...
Sconsigliatissimo: to anyone who is not afraid more for a "bu" announced. And not satisfied with a few shots of the backside of the protagonist. At least one, plenty!
Rating: kkkk

Monday, April 13, 2009

What To The Pokemon Symbals On Pokemon Cards


It is so interesting. Interesting as this is a movie travesti. From the title, sensed the usual well-packed thriller with a love story attached, and quite popular actors to enhance the script. In fact, it is simply a fake spy-story, hidden behind the smiles from the cover of Julia Roberts and Clive Owen (very fit, it must be said), he would like to play around with clichés, and leave a gift in the usual empty-handed.
For a start, it's boring. Chase in slow motion, exhausting dialogue, convincing characters only because of the faces, not words. With the kind once, just telling you, without worrying about the psychology of the protagonists. Now, however, you prefer to fall back on the plot itself, drawing from the existential consequences, even it was a chamber drama. So, here is that, even in a light-hearted, the story is not just that of two former secret agents involved in industrial espionage, the apparent Following two companies enemy, but two people who would fall in love with each other without too trusting of their partner.
The scenario is not exactly new, and did not miss anyone, even in recent times (I think I aching to Bob De Niro's The Good Shepherd) has pondered the absurdity of so-called "secret services" who is with who, who discovers when Who better mind, and so on. No longer a cause, if not the same dedication to work. Fool ballet, with no winners and losers, if not, at least in this case, Tom Wilkinson and Paul Giamatti, respectively skillful puppeteer and pygmy ambitious. Both good and wasted.
Gliroy did not know which way to turn this time. If Michael Clayton had with the slash on the question of compromise and idealism, we do not do that shuffle the cards with a rimasticatura intrigue. Owen Roberts who cares (opening), Owen Roberts who cares (just after), who flirts with Owen Roberts and vice versa, both of which flirt with themselves, and they boast. No one, audience included, knows which side the truth lies, but there is nothing in this charming flourish of Bellocchio that every ten minutes, review, drink a few glasses, if they say, do not trust, pretend to fight, leaving, love, plan a life together even against their own interests, confessed to having lied, first tell you, not before you, and close with a comforting smile that seems so much teasing.
The plot, which should be the real star, not the excuse of a continuous chatter, resurfaces at times, but it is too weak to strike. The script, on the other hand, is not exactly that of Closer, which had the same actors, but many other ideas, and knows a lot of group therapy and a little crunchy divertissement, as perhaps aspired to be. Directed by borrowing (including a sickening abuse of split-screen), interpretation of fashion, poster, well that, mediocre. Overall, those who expected the plot was disappointed, who has seen the irony evaporated, the actors who maybe satisfied but that was enough for some advertising of perfumes.


In a sentence: "if I say I love you, I would make a difference?"
Sconsigliatissimo: anyone prefer the cinema to the Rubik's Cube Portable.
Rating: kkkk

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Stunt Finger Nail Growth

beautiful movie of the year - Gran Torino

Ray Stantz

They all said, we do too. Sergio Leone, decades ago, said that Eastwood had two expressions: with and without hat. Very true, at the time. Meanwhile, the then young (not even so then, Hollywood's standards - especially those of today) Clint has become an icon in its own right, her presence fills ("pit", he says) certainly have to add the screen, its no longer one - or two - but expressive acting minimal, basic communication level (animal, in that it is next to the most instinctual, irrational, and true of every human being) in a / private world, made up of glances sideways gestures and sharp cut, mutilated words. What is most surprising is how the actor, the star, has become a filmmaker sublime. A film-maker, maker of cinematographic works, with the composure, elegance, mastery of the classics. Yet able to touch, handle, deal with fundamental issues head-on and very modern. His last directorial tests are consistent and incontrovertible evidence. This time, the new maximum levels of touch and is a joy to witness to it.

Telling "the story" seems almost a snub to the author and readers. What are warned: if they lose this film will not only harm themselves. But the plot, after all, minor thing. History of violence, a lot. Past and present, shows off stage or in a dry (but not free). History of people, human beings - different yet similar tremendously. What part of the American melting pot and you (and us) transports all of us in this dizzying effectively and inevitably moving. Story of one man, at the end of his life. Filled with anger and especially of pain, mistrust and prejudice - all clear, slammed in your face. But also "a good man," addressed him as a girl, a neighbor of China (an ethnic Hmong, to be exact), one of the people who - by sheer accident of the case - is to establish a relationship with him . A report that nobody wanted, which mainly seemed impossible for the will of the parties. And even though born and raised, so real and alive. It serves to show a little 'sick man at a time, tired and angry (angry, indeed, the world whole) yet full of life, power and lessons to offer. And with him to show the world that surrounds him, so strangely and suddenly people nearby though seemingly doomed forever to be apart.

A young man comes by chance, and in the worst way, in the life of a man impossible to approach. Who becomes the mentor, father figure (and thanks, a thousand times thanks to those who say it openly, in dialogue, instead of becoming complacent and pathetic felt deeply ridiculous innuendo and subtle). It helps the path of growth, of becoming an adult ("You must learn how to speak a true man"), and fight to protect it from destructive and senseless violence that contaminates life - in the form of a street gang that wants to recruit him for the struggle between "races" in the streets of the neighborhood. The impossible happens, and in a simple and practical. The boy wants to redeem (for what we ultimately just, the attempted theft - also imposed by the gang as an initiation test - Clint the valuable cars, the Ford Gran Torino of the title) and takes the opportunity to do much much more: becoming an adult, beyond their limits, to grow and live. The old man discovers he has much yet, so much to give to others and to be able to rejoice. And finally, you can also redeem himself by endless violence and forever burning in his soul, even if remote in time (the war in Korea). In between, permanently damage the relationship with their children and the second chance represented by a "gook" without a father. The horrible, bloody stupidity of the struggles of the district which is based on racism, ignorance, lack of values. A priest who does (acute observation of Egon) counterpoint to the old thoughts and feelings, almost like a greek chorus, appearing only and only when appropriate. The pride and fortitude of those who have struggled for life for this but did not want to stop doing that - and those who fight for the chance he never had, but if you have the opportunity to try to earn a better life, does not hold back.

Eastwood office at its 110% character classic, it's the gunslinger with no name spaghetti western or Dirty Harry Callahan - and does so with strength and self-irony, cynicism with only the surface but with great and profound humanity. Dominates the scene, but almost in the abstract is to be so stylized. He has the courage, style and control to address new issues without falling into banality. Talk to (and sometimes) hate and violence, but fills the screen with streams of hope. Osa staging sacrifice and redemption without risking ridicule. Give a warning, a lesson, a message of love that we can be if we give in to our dark side - especially when we feel morally justified to do so (and this is hardly surprising, and here ends in size a fresco already powerful).

Here, if the film were all so it would not help this blog. There we would be blessed a couple of hours a day to see art that blends the life and encourages us and inspires in a movie theater. Unfortunately it is not. The reviews, and the distinctions are. And how. Therefore, we recommend: do not miss this film. Even if it were the last of Clint (and pray that this is not!) Shows that a will can sometimes be beautiful, precious, bright like a lifetime.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How To Build A Dune Buggy Blueprints

The excuse is always the same: "is identical to the comic." As if fidelity to the original (assuming that they actually exist) was in itself a virtue, and to discharge a film based on a graphic novel, cult or not it is, from criticism. Because, let's be clear: I do not like the cartoons (except for Mickey, as a child) and do not know the series. I am going to the movies, and I expect to see work that is not addressed only to insiders.
Wrong, of course. And I have false hopes. Even the director, Zack Snyder, who in "300" I was not disappointed, although the operation was apparently similar to this one. But I tell you now: "Watchmen" deserves my ire, for a variety of reasons.

First, it is too long. 2 hours and 43 minutes of images are good for a blockbuster, but certainly not for a game-based toys. Then, it is unbalanced. Concerned to illustrate the biographies of some of the protagonists (a handful of American superheroes Nixon was in full, extended to 1985 and thrown open to a nuclear war with the Soviet Union) often loses sight of the plot. Moreover, it is vulgar in the psychology of the characters, cut with a hatchet, and exposure to violence, savage and free.

not enough, there is also a barbaric use of the music: a compilation of scattered masterpieces as the worst food for the public. Steps for "The Times They Are a-changin '" in the opening credits (which is alienating, for a newcomer to the event), or the insert of "All Along The Watchtower", but to reduce "Hallelujah", for more in the version of Cohen, a soft-porn background speaks volumes about the inadequacy of the whole culture.

is not - maybe! - Of moralism: the only one who wonders is Rorschach really evil, anti-hero who goes around in a trench coat, hat and spotted shroud, which turns out to be stripped of a conservative suit of iron, the Irish hardly reassuring grin, but what consistency. And not surprisingly, in the end, you disintegrate, more out of desperation that sacrificial spirit. The other idols, however, are a depressing sequence of trivia: all superman blue without irises (Dr. Manhattan) result of the usual, terrible accident at a research center that has become tired of human destiny demigod retiring to Mars, complete with a philosophical solipsism unbearable. Then, on the same line, the Comedian, a sort of drift living the American dream, who rapes and kills him with a smile pinned to his chest (a memorable scene where the pregnant woman shot him, then blaming Manhattan's not stopping it), in addition to generating the new Silk Spectre heroin. Coveted by the first Superman, then by Nite Owl, a Batman with the character of the poor accountant.

The story does not need to: the watchmen, guardians of the American and masked then the world (we need another imperialist background, thanks), are deprived, because they are inconvenient, by a decree of Nixon and reduced anonymity. One of them (Ozymandias), however, hatching plans for world domination, and begins to secretly get rid of former colleagues before the actual start of its new, original, idea: to unleash the Apocalypse in New York, and the blame in Manhattan above so as to create a harmony between the hostile powers in the world against him. The project, at least initially successful, with the consent of the scapegoat, who leaves the earth forever, and killing of Rorschach, who prefers his own death to the revelation of truth. It will be a diary posthumously, finished in a newspaper office, to perform them.

marginal notes that some episodes, though perhaps imported from the comic, I find it ridiculous inexorably, type:

- Dr. Manhattan that atomize the Vietcong quietly turning jockstrap (in private life, however, directed us propina version "nature ". In other words: extermination, but discrete);
- The Comedian and cold from the perspective Zapruder Kennedy;
- Kissinger to Nixon who trusts earthy (among other things, on the same mask Point Break) Shortly after the attack of Ozymandias, "were not the Russians."

conclusion. If you go to see him, do not expect the alternate universe to Gotham City, nor the political fiction saga of V for Vendetta. Watchmen is all these things and nothing. But with a distinct preference for anything.



In a sentence:
"they told me you were on Mars"
Sconsigliatissimo: anyone think that the heroes in costumes are not necessarily synonymous with Carnival.
Rating: KKKK

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Female Giving Males Brazilian Wax

Watchmen Valkyrie - Hi, Hitler

I did not review it. I mean really. You a film that, despite the theme, goes rather unnoticed. Directed without flash, didactic story, acting craft. In short, the classic detective. Shot in costume because of the scenario: Hitler's Germany in disarray, the year 1944.
though. There is always a however. Because if you put the camera behind Bryan Singer (and writer Christopher McQuarrie, his companion of the "Usual Suspects"). If you put in front of Tom Cruise. And if you dressed up with a bandage, a crippled arm and a hair style Groucho Marx. If you do this, you expect something, for better or for worse. Of course, preferably in evil.
spoken, I guess it already know, a true story. A conspiracy that seeks to kill Adolf Hitler concocted by Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg in the Wehrmacht (Cruise, of course), in full decline of Nazi dominance. The war is being lost, and before they bombed a base camp (putting on eye and hand), our meditation to overturn the Fuhrer. Gather, not without difficulty, various followers, more or less involved with the regime, to rewrite the 'Valkyrie' which gives the title to the film: it is a plan to convene the military reserve of the Reich in the event of Allied invasion. The colonel decided to draw up changing the premise: no longer an external attack, but a coup. With the death of Hitler annexed, and subsequent removal of the SS. Ambitious idea, which will be signed (not trouble to read from cover to cover what goes on your desk) by the Chancellor himself. History tells us that, for a mistake, the plot will not have the desired effect. The attack (a bomb exploded by Stauffenberg and the "den of wolves," the bunker of Hitler, during a meeting of high-profile) does not kill the Fuhrer. However, suffice to induce the author, returning to Berlin, to spread the false news of death to seize power. The catch can only beginning, as long as Hitler does not notify the hierarchy that is still alive, and that the army must punish the traitors.
Now, it is harder to shoot a thriller, already knowing the ending, was guessed. That the story is loose and bad in the second half, after the attack failed, it was predictable. But notwithstanding this, no one has pointed out to Singer that something terrible had happened with the casting, honestly, no, you could imagine. Why walk when choosing to play the lead in Tom Cruise (who is American, but well known), but that all co-stars in the role of German generals, are British, it is absolutely unacceptable. In series: Tom Wilkinson (English), Bill Nighy (English), Terence Stamp (English). More Kenneth Branagh (Northern Ireland). Even Hitler (ie actor David Bamber) is English. He soon suspects that the script is Churchill (I suspect soon foiled, given the results of the plot).
The rest? Not better. And not because they are not detailed the personal reasons of the leader of the conspirators (as some critics would have liked, that perhaps he thought of facing a documentary). But why Cruise, who personifies, is clearly not at ease. Reduced to obedience by the black patch, mask repression and anger for his part, wearing the glass eye just before the Fuhrer. But he can not resist the ridiculous, at least in two scenes: one in which the secretary looks after the drafting of the first Line of Operation ("Adolf Hitler is dead"), a true monument embarrassment, another unforgettable experience, in which screaming at full screen, lifting the stump, "Heil Hitler." Hi, saw the cast, it would be more appropriate.
not be the best Chancellor, however. Less geometric than hoped, it is hesitant and stoned, wandering around the scene with the look of the hound that does not identify what you smell. And coming, as appropriate, indoctrinated or blatantly made fun of. In addition to bombing, as we already knew. Moreover, it seems the least: the army of the Queen has now taken possession of Berlin, while the Fuhrer in his buen retiro, pleasantly sipping a cup of tea.
In a sentence: "Every second we lose a second is lost"
anyone think that a film the Nazis should have, at least, a fair player.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Is It Ok To Wear A Black Hat With Brown Boots

Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D

3 sizes - 2 reviews! Why, even in times of crisis, we do not miss anything - and then, who the fuck are believed to be those of New Line?

Warning: I have a powerful impulse to argue with Egon. Not only to report my opinion but to oppose her, contrasting points of view, overlay the review, in fact trigger the brawl critics. So, because I'm nice. And because the film, let's face it right away (via your teeth - those of the T-Rex, that "hurt" as Fraser tells us the inexpressible - the pain away!), Is filthy and full unsalvageable. And I dragged him there, the friend Spengler, looking for excitement 3D. Then I meditate on vengeance and terrible revenge. But I will try to be objective and, above all, to focus the regurgitation to the squalid circus crap, and not connected to the reviewer. Imo, therefore, the center of mud.

Question: How do we talk of nothing? Wittgenstein would follow and finally, rapid and affossanti, that's what you can not talk is a must keep quiet. But we want to be generous (false, the case of logorrhea), and proceed to quibble, however. In this case we have 93 minutes (according to Internet Movie Database: do not think I let him control the display of a watch or mobile phone, desolate two-dimensional, while the 3D experience) of absolute emptiness, dotted with a script that does not exist ridiculous, crude special effects to themselves, and a few irritating things human, brutal violence against the work of a great writer.

sum up: a bunch of stinking producers, writers and directors have read (reluctantly) a reduction of a children's book by Jules Verne. Hit by lighting premature have decided to make a blockbuster - but it is not a trivial thing, heck, let's do so in 3D! That technology has made great strides, and where the talent is now extinct, we can compensate with computer graphics. Hoplà imbarchiamoci in the booth and involve the most likeable (and Panzano) Brendanfraser-to-the-mummy, served with unknown actors and lazy beyond measure. We have him, the infallible Brendan, in the role of a professor geology. Bizarre, in the life and research, and in the throes of a psychotic obsession with her brother disappeared 12 years before pursuing some insane passion for science fiction in a cave in Iceland. On the verge of total collapse in the workplace and in private life now in shambles, he is saved by the arrival of grandson: thirteen nano hyper, but his uncle Scazzi ingrifato from all forms of female life, is now the Fraser sbolognato to ex-wife's brother late craving to go to look for a house in Canada. The undeveloped (the kid, not the adult), although heroically selfless work of his uncle (work, oh well ...), he is more awake to see that on a monitor stand out 4 and not 3 lights intermittent. This, of lottery numbers marked with a cross from his brother-father on a stale copy of Journey to the Center of the Earth, induce "or professor" to be paid through collection of coins that occupies the kitchen table, air travel to Iceland , dragging the infant. Once there know the pussy in office (elementary grammar of action movies, come on!), Mountain guide by trade, also a relative of an orphan (the old father) because Verne and geology (the combination that makes the most dead of smallpox , apparently). The convincing, not the rhetoric and the love of good science, but ripped a nutshell, to guide them to the mouth of a volcano in search of the origin of Lucina. From here onwards, svacca really. The first trio ends up trapped in a cave shut, then mines along riding a cart in the footsteps of Indy finally gets wise to walk on a layer of Moscow (rock thin, for those of you who had a doctorate in geology) in order stock up on diamonds. The landslide Moscow, fall to our infinite time along a tunnel that leads, guess what?, At the center of the planet. Where they land safely (ok. ..) and discover a wonderful world. This is equivalent to the viewer, for a good hour of torture in digital. Nothing is real and everything, however, is powerfully ridiculous. The sparrows are fluorescent and benevolent, tusks and aggressive fish, brother dead and buried by the sea, the heat - for the protagonists - unbearable. Luckily, suffer, by God! Again: Brendan eradication, grabbing the testicles, a giant carnivorous plant size, sailed the ocean is infested by a species of giant kite (which then drags the dwarf, in a hilarious scene especially the scream of pain from a Fraser clearly in digestive phase), instead of devouring the tyrannosaurus deburr the thirteen prefer him by surprise. And then died from what is cracked, crumbling ignominiously on a thin layer of Moscow - you see, not to study, you idiot?

At the end of the journey the trio, despite repeated attempts to sabotage his professor and a common survival Salvation comes in the form of convenience geyser elevator located at the end of a river. Sailing, for your unfailing satisfaction, enormous jaws of a dinosaur conveniently adapted to Icelandic dall'avvenente gondola (which, meanwhile, has slightly revised their positions on mental health of the deceased parent). Blast from Vesuvius, which we find to be cultivated by a local vineyard - that speaks a bit 'of Sicily, for good measure. So, is silenced (and subsided in his despair over the devastation of the vineyard) the offer of an ambush by thirteen diamonds. In conclusion

Fraser failed to pass the workplace and in private life successful scientist and hero action (though overweight) is more European with blonde chick and satisfaction for having rehabilitated the memory of his brother insane. The grandson, however, has stolen a bird luminescence and if you lost in the city with the result likely to irreparably destroy our ecosystem. Not content with this, we salute and promising to meet again soon with the gift of a book on Atlantis. I fear a sequel. There is no choice, I will rip an eye - no binocular vision should, if nothing else, escape the curse treddì.


Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D

In a sentence: "yes, oh well, spit in my face, damn it!" - Continued from Fraser spitting towards the camera. In 3D.

Sconsigliatissimo: Verne was my favorite writer, as a child. I need not say more.

Rating: KKK (one for each dimension, and they are generous)

Flip Mino Differences In Generation

Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D

I have to admit it. I would not be intrigued by "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in the title if some esprit de finesse had not added the word "3D". Three dimensions! How long since I went to see a movie in three dimensions! The last time happened to Eurodisney with a short Landis called "Captain Eo", where Michael Jackson still black, struggling without fear that dropped the nose. But the first (and only) to the cinema was a few years earlier: "Nightmare 6 - the end", however true ugliness that could get worse in the final sequences, when it was with deep thanks to the prodigious spectacles. Well, glasses: more than just another dreary cardboard frames with plastic instead of colored lenses. Very good, at most, for those who want to enjoy a solar eclipse, though indispensable: no, all the characters would look like Pizza Margherita, that of "Spaceballs."
Today, however, times have changed. The glasses are no longer cartoon but plasticatissimi and hyper style ironworker. Will cost one euro more on the price of the ticket, but it's worth it because you subscribed to the multiplex well as generous trailer in three dimensions (all figures, however). You just have to come into the room, approach the officer scazzatissimo fun, and take over, in sealed bag, the magic tools. Wear and enjoy. But then, please, please return, because in times of crisis you do not give her anything, and it is a sin. Those were once pret-a-porter.
Plot. Eh, let's face it: the history, at least that good, he has already written Verne, then do a wrong to him, you and some more analytical reviewer (any reference to Stantz is purely coincidental) if you tell it to word for word . I therefore limit myself to the essentials: there is a seismologist failed (the probable Brendan Fraser), placed there, in spite of himself, his grandson thirteen years at home for a few days. Along with a volley of insults of the deal kid (voiced by a 35 year-old mysteriously, perhaps to suggest the presence of the infantile maturity uncle), the box also comes a with the personal effects of his brother, the father of pain in the ass, who died in mysterious circumstances during an expedition in Iceland. Among a yo-yo and some ridiculous contraption, our hero discovers the presence of oily and greasy edition of "Journey to the Center of the Earth Verne, glossed with strange hieroglyphics - go to understand the case - recall verbatim the his scientific research. Excited by the coincidence, decided to go with his nephew to Iceland, all taken from the fanaticism of his predecessor: his brother, in fact, was a Verne, which is a bizarre individual believes that Verne's stories are true, and that exists beneath our feet indeed another world, not - as you know for centuries - the circles of Dante.
he arrived, he meets un'autoctona very pretty, she also involved in relationships inconvenient fact is the daughter of a sort of post-litteram Chester Copperpot, who died a few years, and also - alas - Verne hard. Among a yellowed page and another (rest in peace, Jules), the three decide to march to shed light on theories scombicchierate visionaries. And here begins the fun (?). The film, in fact, throughout the first part focuses on the gullibility of Fraser, which is drawn on top of the lightning, then generates a landslide, trapping him and his fellow sufferers in a cave Finally, try to take them out of giving, inevitably, wrong and dangerous suggestions.
The moral of the result is intuitive: Verne's theories are ultraviolet, so our find themselves actually very warm in the center of the Earth, facing upstairs creatures that are extinct for centuries, or at best considered in the books (fiction) science. Meanwhile also found the remains of the hero's brother, will face risks of any sort, and manage to rise to the surface, falling on the slopes of Vesuvius.
you ask and the 3D? Well, not cheating. After a string of warnings (Fraser, who spits on him, a colleague of Fraser, who draws a meter, yo-yo that plunges you in the face), get the show: truck died on the tracks, fungoni Gigantone, neon birds, flying fish toothed (great for playing baseball), stones suspended and, last but not least, Tyrannosaurus rex, which will save You Showers, more and better than Fraser. In short, a rimasticatura Indiana Jones, or rather certain businesses of Nicholas Cage, embellished with some holes in the script (the backpacks of the characters disappear and reappear magically, as needed) and an absolute gem, announced in the trailer: Fraser, renowned biologist who saw a seething river of bright red, "is lava." Thanks, I understood even in two dimensions.
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D
In a sentence: "I go to Google to 9000 meters"
to anyone who saw the performance of Fraser in "The Mummy" was holding the mummy.
Rating: KK (warning: if you wear glasses, become four )

Friday, January 30, 2009

Preperation H Safe For Pets?

's book Shining

Phil Buehler A well thought of giving has published the book writer gone mad in The Shining , populated by the recurring phrase "All work and no play Makes Jack a dull boy" graphics in various combinations. Now, given that Buehler is Dylan Thomas, or Samuel Beckett, the only hope is that Jack Torrance's request rights work. Possibly with an ax in his hand.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Extreme Cuspid Amp 1600 Watt Amp

IMAGO Mortis

Preface necessary: \u200b\u200bI do not like horror. Egon, sincere friend and a lover of the genre, I drag it easy to find reviews for himself. Being a student is angry because of the kind more often in front of the rubbish that has been shaped over the years. But this time the product is such that I, too, either amateur or expert fees, I can fully fruirlo. And I will Warning: I do not like angry, quite the contrary. I would say that they are still entranced by the experience.

awesome. This, in short, what I would say the film. Nothing works, you do not save anything. And they are generous. As a child they are opened the gates of Toyland I look around drooling and I do not know where to start. In deference to readers, I provide a summary of the plot.

In an unknown location, which may embody the eye Transylvania Indore from a perennial monsoon type climate, with buckets of rain from morning till night (not that stand) and forest floor composed of species of dwarf willows an unbearable sadness, is the Murnau Institute. This is prestigious (yes, ok ...) academy of cinema. Or something like that. There overwinter students from every place on earth - in fact abound English-surnames, but spaced from Germany, probably Italian, and some Slavic origin, finance, the Chinese / Japanese totally unjustified. The lucky they share, however, enjoying the comfort conditions arm type of insulation to Alcatraz season '55 / '56 and hygiene type Manzoni fever, aches and occasional joys of studying cinema in the elite atmosphere. The equipment is, probably, the stock funds of the Lumiere brothers, a handful of teachers retiring psychos, the dilapidated building, the surroundings - If nothing else - an invitation to suicide. Among them is around, worried, our protagonist - Bruno Marquez, has an enviable repertoire of two facial expressions. In the first, which uses especially in the presence of his beloved Ariadne (a tooth but moderately attractive Oona Chaplin), entranced by the ride's incurable imbecility. The second is that of unjustified fear - unless he feels the laughable, insistent piece of music with which we are scheduled for 2 or 3 minutes the imminent appearance of a ghost (authorial finesse, of course). Yes, because there are ghosts. Unraveling the intricate (certo!) plot, I'll let the owner of the funeral manor riadibito a dormitory for adolescents (such Countess Orsini, played by Geraldine Chaplin - in my opinion, had debts of the family), motivated by innocent curiosity, years ago, bought equipment and documents that were the legacy of a certain Girolamo Fumagalli (by Brambilla, probably , we will mention in another film). He, in an attempt to make the world a worse place (and to divert attention from some of its revised options in terms of hats), he devoted his life to try to photograph the last image seen by a human being before his death. Unfortunately achieved his goal, he built a contraption from the fanciful name Tanatoscopio (indecipherable to the acute protagonist, we feel that asking "What, what's the use?"). Basically, you sit in front of a voluntary settlement of our choice. Then you kill him planting a screw in the skull and simultaneously tear their eyeballs, which will then be stamped by the final image on a pane of glass. Almost as comfortable as a Polaroid, Fumagalli good. More recently, attempts to use the gimmick to earn profit, however, death and madness. Schiatta Tanatoscopata starred in a movie, lineage committed suicide on her boyfriend, the son of a professor (perhaps, or just an old man who lives in the attic). Which, however, haunts the place as a ghost. And infestations well the days of Marquez - who already has his own problems. The family's just died in an accident - but it seems the lesser evil since, because of this, the benevolent Orsini pushes the rector Prof. Olinsky (Álex Angulo , an idol) to resume as operator of the smelly, maleolento, dusty archives of the school and useless. One of the highest aspirations of the young, for the rest:

  1. vainly tries to seduce the incisive (but also canine premolar ...) links Arianna, that while there would be easy and it is all to say, given that he is clearly a poorly trained monkey;

  2. making friends with a small dealer with a one-eyed alcoholic and friendly name of Orpheus (friendship-based Absinthe, it is clear);

  3. performs brilliantly in class assignments, to say as presenting photography on "time" the portrait of a bird smangiucchiato and rotted;

  4. the face of the vein of joy.

In all of this is selected by the ghost for directions to where he is the Tanatoscopio. Surprise! He's not even buried, but placed on the ground, 5 meters and no entrance to a cave on the back of the house of Orsini. She and her entourage were seeking him for about 40 years. The Marquez, however, does not know what they are getting. He lost his gimmick is the hostile Olinsky (which, late in his pique, convenes plenary session of the school to define Bruno "a poor man with problems" with which we must be good because the family has just died and is mentally unstable) helplessly to a series of deaths. In truth, few if any dreams. If nothing else, he finally realizes that she lies odontofascinosa girlfriend. Which is then gradually suspicious of the entrances of our dementia. He, first to figure it out, let it die deoculati many colleagues (and also the poor Orpheus, is suspected - it is just a monocle). Finally you make a fool of by the villain, and is about to lose not only his life (Sticazzi) but also that of Chaplin saber-tooth, which would also be a sin. But the old Aston, father of the young suicide / ghost intervenes to smooth rhythm and saves the day, autotanatoscopandosi in the face of those responsible.

Imago Mortis To Oculos affectionate, he says, and free all the lost souls. Obedient to his wishes, Brown and Arianna (who in the meantime, saturated with love, he called Calavera, or died of skull) develop tanatografia - perfect, it seems. Son of satisfaction. Olinsky at the end of the movie brings home with him and congratulates all (with a very shaky hand, but definitely granite in comparison with that of Aston) the old Chaplin. The young protagonist and the unwatchable but they pack up and leave the Murnau. For the first time in weeks it does not rain. Yet another fine touch of class.

In all this, a stream of obscenities film as you see them rarely. Given that it is not given to be exhaustive, the following short list:

  • assembly according to the school to minchiam : either follow the rhythm of a victim of multiple ischemic attack or is treated as an uncomfortable task;

  • sensational screenplay - you will reach genuine, sublime heights of unintentional comedy;

  • acting in absolute levels, however, stands out on all Álex Angulo AKA Olinsky - he's a strong resemblance to the great depth of Wittenberg. Hans rushes down the ravine, alternating looks stunned ripping laughter immediate totally random movements of the hands (a memorable confrontation with Aston during which, in the middle of a sentence, takes no reason to rotate your right forearm with an open hand and rigid);

  • is not alone, however, to launch sudden and distressing looks in a car

  • the old Chaplin is clearly in the drug for the duration of the thing;

  • score less than amateurish;

  • winks cinephiles 0.2 full money ever: Murnau, Caligari, but please!

and much more we could add. There is only allows to specify: Stephen Besson, apparently teaches Directed at Cinecittà. There was to choose between this and the Ebola virus. For once, Africa has gone to great ass.

inevitable postscript: during I felt chills of the projection. I thought it was Stendhal syndrome. The next 36 hours with high fever and symptoms equestrian assorted convinced that I have the flu but was playing a role. But believe me, it's really something spectacular. Unfortunately the ending does not seem the prelude to a sequel. Otherwise, in homage to the rule that such products are worse than the original, see Imago Mortis 2 I brought family and friends by organizing a welcome cocktail. Other than the day of my graduation.


Imago Mortis

In a sentence: "[doing so] will release all the souls, but especially will come the perfect tanatografia ...

Sconsigliatissimo: boh? I really recommend it. I laughed so much. Well, perhaps if you love the horror is not the case. Not at all.

Rating: KKKKk