Monday, November 30, 2009

Herpes Outbreak Or Something Else

SIGN THE APPEAL OF FREE to halt the sale of property confiscated from the mafia

No gifts to the Mafia: the goods are confiscated what our

Thirteen years ago, more than a million people signed the petition calling on Parliament to pass the law for ' social use of goods confiscated from the mafia
. A call picked up by all political forces, which voted unanimously
the law 109/96. Was crowned, so, the dream of those who, starting from
Pio La Torre, had paid with his life the commitment to take away from the clan
accumulated wealth illegally.
Today that commitment is likely to be betrayed. An amendment
introduced in the Senate Finance Law, in fact,
provides for the sale of confiscated property that you can not allocate
within three or six months. It 's easy to imagine, thanks to the ability of known
mafia organizations to mask their presence, who will forward the
to buy villas, houses and land belonging to the boss and that they represented
many symbols of their power, built with violence, blood,
abuses, until the intervention of the state.
The sale of these goods will mean only one thing: that the Government give in to the difficulties of their full and effective social re-use, as required by law.
And the return of those goods in availability of the clan to which they were stolen, thanks to the work of law enforcement and the judiciary, will have a disruptive effect on the credibility of the institutions.
For these reasons, we urge the Government and Parliament to reconsider and withdraw the amendment on the sale of confiscated property.
Sirafforzi, rather, the action of those investigating to find the riches of
clan. Reforms be introduced rules that facilitate the reuse of goods and social
be given practical effect to the rule that states the confiscation of property
to the corrupt. It will be primarily allocated to the families of victims and witnesses of
mob justice money and financial resources to stealing
mafias. But we do not sell those seized assets representing the sign of the redemption of an Italy
civil, honest and courageous. Because these goods are really all
"cosa nostra".


Monday, November 23, 2009

Green Phlegm When To See Doctor


"Damn you ...."
I can not use another expression for those who voted for the privatization of water, and that used by Jesus in Luke's Gospel, against the rich " Damn you rich .... "
Woe to those who voted for the commodification of water.
We will continue to shout that water is life, water is sacred, water is a basic human right.
It 's the most crushing defeat of the policy. E 'stravittoria of the economic-financial potentates, the international lobby. And 'the victory of the policy of privatization, business, business.
is at the expense sis 'water', today the most precious asset of humanity, which will be increasingly scarce, both for climate change, and an increase in population. That privatization Water is a choice that will be paid a heavy price from the underprivileged classes of that country (bills by 30-40% more, at least), but mainly from the impoverished of the world. If today 50 million a year die from starvation and related diseases, 100 million will die of thirst tomorrow. Which of the three billion people living today with less than two dollars a day, will pay for water? "We are
for life, water is life, source of life. And we are sure that theirs is only a Pyrrhic victory. For this reason we ask everyone to turn this 'defeat' in a renewed commitment to water, for life, for democracy. We are confident that this will be a parliamentary vote a "boomerang" for those who have voted.
Our first is an appeal to the people, to every man and woman of good will. We have to start from below, from ordinary people, by the municipalities.
Thus, we ask:

-CITIZENS of protest against the Ronchi Decree, by sending e-mail to their parliamentary
-creating groups in defense of water as locally at the regional level;
-form themselves into cooperatives to manage their water.
municipalities to hold councils
-single issue in defense of water;
-state water common good, 'no economic significance';
make the right choice-PUBLIC COMPANY SPECIAL.

TO ATO-ATO to 64 (optimal territorial areas), now assigned to Spa in total public capital to transform itself into special agencies, managed with the participation of citizens.
-challenging the constitutionality of the new law as did the Puglia Region;
-pass laws on regional governance of water.

-unions to decide on the privatization of water;
-mobilize and mobilize citizens against the commodification of water.
-proclaimed water is a basic human right in the wake of the recent encyclical of Benedict XVI, which speaks of 'access to water as a universal right of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination "(27);
-protest as CEI ( Italian Episcopal Conference) against the Ronchi Decree.
to inform their faithful on the water issue;
- organize in defense of water.
parties to
- to express very clearly their position on the management of 'water-
to propose a parliamentary debate on the law of popular initiative against the privatization of water, signed by over 400,000 citizens.
Water is blue gold of the twenty-first century. Together with the air, water is the most precious asset of humanity. We want to cry now more than ever what we yelled in many squares and theaters in this country: "The air and water are absolutely essential to the basic goods and the lives of all living beings from birth and become the natural rights Untouchables-words of Archbishop Emeritus of Messina, G. Mattock. The water belongs to everyone and no one can be allowed to appropriate it to derive illicit profit, and therefore requests that continue to be run exclusively by the municipalities organized into public companies, which have always a duty to ensure their distribution to the lowest possible cost. "

Alex Zanotelli, a Comboni missionary

Note: If you want to join the letter Zanotelli write an email to: with
the word "subscribe".

Thank you for your e-mail Ivana :-)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What To Say For 18 Wishes

Parnassus interruptus

is tactless and cruel to speak ill of a film mutilated, but before the death of its lead actor Terry Gilliam has taken the risk of concluding, we too, in this service book, we get to criticize it. Parnassus - the man who would cheat the devil (another opportunity lost by the Italian translation, which has ruined the original, much more evocative, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus), though it is already known to history as the last film of Heath Ledger alive, there is his first film seemed pretty dead.
Ledger, for all, the angel is sacrificed, the unforgettable Joker, the James Dean these days so little accustomed to mythology. Inevitably, then, that at the beginning of the end credits of his latest effort does not read the name of the director, but the inscription, "a film by Heath Ledger and his friends." For the record that are, as you know, Jude Law, Colin Farrell and Johnny Depp. Stars who stand beyond the mirror, who well (Farrell), who badly (Law), who remaking itself (Depp, now a prisoner of his own acting eccentric). Gilliam, his imagination of paper, cloth and pulleys is the only scenario, unfortunately the computer junkie, although still capable of peak expression (such as walking on broken glass Parnassus's daughter, played by the porcelain Valentina Lily Cole).
for ourselves, we would be able to give content to work following the great start, a street theater (the Imaginarium of course), set in a London suburb, where Doctor Parnassus (Christopher Plummer worn with a greasepaint) invites souls to transcend their earthly dimension, venturing into her own - and their - fantasy. But when the party is Ledger, hung under the bridge as an omen of the Friars Blacks (do not know why I thought of Jeff Buckley, perhaps because of the water), and discovers that he is still alive (or dead), the story does not know if he or rotate around the main theme, namely the battle with the Devil Doctor, enamored of her daughter and ready to reclaim it, in fulfillment of a pact Faustian. Mr. Nick, the name of Lucifer to Gilliam, Tom Waits is, of course, that rather than a devil looks terrible singer, hint of a mustache understood, at least since he started playing in broken glass gypsy dresses.
Nobody will tell us that the first part of the sequences are too long (including the lines connecting the petulant nano Parnassus) because it was necessary to ensure a shot with Ledger as possible. After all, is its own character to be unresolved, its provenance and then in destiny, and, when multiplied in appearance, even more ambiguous, but simply shattered, like everything else. Collapses because the theater of Parnassus, collapses the hope of winning the decisive bet with the Devil (who wins the first five souls saved to Valentina), collapses ultimately too oblique, often cruel, grotesque charge of Gilliam, which dilutes all in a pleasant but unnecessary uproar.
In the end, Ledger is dead for at least one time Law has released more smiles than necessary, Waits will return to dance alone, and Plummer to look away from his daughter, torn from the company around, but not the imagination the world, which has reserved, it seems, a new existence. Because - and this is what remains - the sense of a story (of life) is in his own creative and regenerative force. But if you do this, the cinema, can have fun, we stayed in the room, struggling with the switch on the lights, it is sad to know that everything was informed by a break: the leading man has raised the trick, maybe drunk staggered breaks in recitative (as does Parnassus, bored eternity), leaving us in exchange for duplication, vapid and useless. And throwing him the weight of absence, which is small on the screen as a flurry of confetti.


Parnassus - The man who would cheat the Devil

In a sentence: "nothing is forever, not even death"
Sconsigliatissimo: who are still locked corrosive to the vein of Gilliam's Brazil and Twelve Monkeys.
Rating: KK