Friday, January 30, 2009
Preperation H Safe For Pets?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Extreme Cuspid Amp 1600 Watt Amp
awesome. This, in short, what I would say the film. Nothing works, you do not save anything. And they are generous. As a child they are opened the gates of Toyland I look around drooling and I do not know where to start. In deference to readers, I provide a summary of the plot.
In an unknown location, which may embody the eye Transylvania Indore from a perennial monsoon type climate, with buckets of rain from morning till night (not that stand) and forest floor composed of species of dwarf willows an unbearable sadness, is the Murnau Institute. This is prestigious (yes, ok ...) academy of cinema. Or something like that. There overwinter students from every place on earth - in fact abound English-surnames, but spaced from Germany, probably Italian, and some Slavic origin, finance, the Chinese / Japanese totally unjustified. The lucky they share, however, enjoying the comfort conditions arm type of insulation to Alcatraz season '55 / '56 and hygiene type Manzoni fever, aches and occasional joys of studying cinema in the elite atmosphere. The equipment is, probably, the stock funds of the Lumiere brothers, a handful of teachers retiring psychos, the dilapidated building, the surroundings - If nothing else - an invitation to suicide. Among them is around, worried, our protagonist - Bruno Marquez, has an enviable repertoire of two facial expressions. In the first, which uses especially in the presence of his beloved Ariadne (a tooth but moderately attractive Oona Chaplin), entranced by the ride's incurable imbecility. The second is that of unjustified fear - unless he feels the laughable, insistent piece of music with which we are scheduled for 2 or 3 minutes the imminent appearance of a ghost (authorial finesse, of course). Yes, because there are ghosts. Unraveling the intricate (certo!) plot, I'll let the owner of the funeral manor riadibito a dormitory for adolescents (such Countess Orsini, played by Geraldine Chaplin - in my opinion, had debts of the family), motivated by innocent curiosity, years ago, bought equipment and documents that were the legacy of a certain Girolamo Fumagalli (by Brambilla, probably , we will mention in another film). He, in an attempt to make the world a worse place (and to divert attention from some of its revised options in terms of hats), he devoted his life to try to photograph the last image seen by a human being before his death. Unfortunately achieved his goal, he built a contraption from the fanciful name Tanatoscopio (indecipherable to the acute protagonist, we feel that asking "What, what's the use?"). Basically, you sit in front of a voluntary settlement of our choice. Then you kill him planting a screw in the skull and simultaneously tear their eyeballs, which will then be stamped by the final image on a pane of glass. Almost as comfortable as a Polaroid, Fumagalli good. More recently, attempts to use the gimmick to earn profit, however, death and madness. Schiatta Tanatoscopata starred in a movie, lineage committed suicide on her boyfriend, the son of a professor (perhaps, or just an old man who lives in the attic). Which, however, haunts the place as a ghost. And infestations well the days of Marquez - who already has his own problems. The family's just died in an accident - but it seems the lesser evil since, because of this, the benevolent Orsini pushes the rector Prof. Olinsky (Álex Angulo , an idol) to resume as operator of the smelly, maleolento, dusty archives of the school and useless. One of the highest aspirations of the young, for the rest:
vainly tries to seduce the incisive (but also canine premolar ...) links Arianna, that while there would be easy and it is all to say, given that he is clearly a poorly trained monkey;
making friends with a small dealer with a one-eyed alcoholic and friendly name of Orpheus (friendship-based Absinthe, it is clear);
performs brilliantly in class assignments, to say as presenting photography on "time" the portrait of a bird smangiucchiato and rotted;
the face of the vein of joy.
In all of this is selected by the ghost for directions to where he is the Tanatoscopio. Surprise! He's not even buried, but placed on the ground, 5 meters and no entrance to a cave on the back of the house of Orsini. She and her entourage were seeking him for about 40 years. The Marquez, however, does not know what they are getting. He lost his gimmick is the hostile Olinsky (which, late in his pique, convenes plenary session of the school to define Bruno "a poor man with problems" with which we must be good because the family has just died and is mentally unstable) helplessly to a series of deaths. In truth, few if any dreams. If nothing else, he finally realizes that she lies odontofascinosa girlfriend. Which is then gradually suspicious of the entrances of our dementia. He, first to figure it out, let it die deoculati many colleagues (and also the poor Orpheus, is suspected - it is just a monocle). Finally you make a fool of by the villain, and is about to lose not only his life (Sticazzi) but also that of Chaplin saber-tooth, which would also be a sin. But the old Aston, father of the young suicide / ghost intervenes to smooth rhythm and saves the day, autotanatoscopandosi in the face of those responsible.
Imago Mortis To Oculos affectionate, he says, and free all the lost souls. Obedient to his wishes, Brown and Arianna (who in the meantime, saturated with love, he called Calavera, or died of skull) develop tanatografia - perfect, it seems. Son of satisfaction. Olinsky at the end of the movie brings home with him and congratulates all (with a very shaky hand, but definitely granite in comparison with that of Aston) the old Chaplin. The young protagonist and the unwatchable but they pack up and leave the Murnau. For the first time in weeks it does not rain. Yet another fine touch of class.
In all this, a stream of obscenities film as you see them rarely. Given that it is not given to be exhaustive, the following short list:
assembly according to the school to minchiam : either follow the rhythm of a victim of multiple ischemic attack or is treated as an uncomfortable task;
sensational screenplay - you will reach genuine, sublime heights of unintentional comedy;
acting in absolute levels, however, stands out on all Álex Angulo AKA Olinsky - he's a strong resemblance to the great depth of Wittenberg. Hans rushes down the ravine, alternating looks stunned ripping laughter immediate totally random movements of the hands (a memorable confrontation with Aston during which, in the middle of a sentence, takes no reason to rotate your right forearm with an open hand and rigid);
is not alone, however, to launch sudden and distressing looks in a car
the old Chaplin is clearly in the drug for the duration of the thing;
score less than amateurish;
winks cinephiles 0.2 full money ever: Murnau, Caligari, but please!
and much more we could add. There is only allows to specify: Stephen Besson, apparently teaches Directed at Cinecittà. There was to choose between this and the Ebola virus. For once, Africa has gone to great ass.
inevitable postscript: during I felt chills of the projection. I thought it was Stendhal syndrome. The next 36 hours with high fever and symptoms equestrian assorted convinced that I have the flu but was playing a role. But believe me, it's really something spectacular. Unfortunately the ending does not seem the prelude to a sequel. Otherwise, in homage to the rule that such products are worse than the original, see Imago Mortis 2 I brought family and friends by organizing a welcome cocktail. Other than the day of my graduation.
Imago Mortis
In a sentence: "[doing so] will release all the souls, but especially will come the perfect tanatografia ...
Sconsigliatissimo: boh? I really recommend it. I laughed so much. Well, perhaps if you love the horror is not the case. Not at all.
Rating: KKKKk